January 1, 2015
January 1, 2015 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 1
Topics Created On January 1, 2015
- Personal space
Aqua women invading my personal space. She comes to me to close. Even with my friends I keep some distance when talking
- 2015
- This is amazing
http://www.astrotheme.com/astrological_aspects_of_celebrities.php Really cool tool, I feel like my prayers have been
- virgo guys are pretty cute!!!
I always knew this. Very attractive in a classic way. I just noticed thanks to famous birthdays a lot of the heart th
- Anybody else do this?
I am lying to myself, but just a little. I say I don't want to be in a relationship, but I do. I know mentally I am not
- Aqua sun, Pisces moon and venus. How to win him?
My crush has Aqua sum, Pisces moon and pisces venus. Can you guys tell me how do I know when this type of people fall i
- Which celebrity is the sexy or least attractive?
Ok if you know their sign state it... Who is your sexiest celebrity star? Bradley Cooper. Who is someone who is not
- SAGS & Sentimentality...
SAGS & Sentimentality ..................................... Happy New Year, Sags :) Would you say that you
- ISFP dedication thread
So.. I figured maybe creating a thread with a dedicated purpose can focus people to the specific thread. All you DXP
- Cancers say the weirdest shit
Okay I'm posting a lot about cancers lately, but of course...well I grew up with my cancer brother, cancer cousin, and s
- What's the craziest shit you've seen or heard?
What's the craziest or silliest thing you've seen or heard? Could be on here? Could be in Facebook? Could be on the s
- Which planet in our solar system interests you?
Ok which planet are you most interested in our solar system? Name 2 planets you would want to travel to if you coul
- Sounds fitting...
I was just looking through an article on cracked on movie plots summed up in a few words/sentences. And for this movie,
- Scorps, were you wanted?
It seems to me that with Scorps there is often some kind of an issue with regard to whether or not they were originally
OK I suppose this is a matter of opinion but it seems to me for sure that the world's #1 problem is actually OVERPOPULAT
- Virgo Confusion
So I've been dating on and off a Virgo who has said he just wants to be friends. He's not ready for a relationship..
- Leo moon thread. NOW NOW NOW NOW GO GO GO GO GO
contribute whatever. lion mooners
- Midnight text
On New Year's Eve. I received a nice text from a friend I've missed... And it made me very happy. Have any of you
- Im gaging cause this is the most plutonian song
listen to those lyrics LOL Im sure she based this on her sign for sure... http://youtu.be/ToqNa0rqUtY
- Baby talk (( need virgo men advice here I guess))
Me and my partener are trying for a baby. My partener already has a daughter and wants a little boy. I don't have any ch
- Cancers and FwB?
I'm in a fwb situation with a Cancer and I'm really considering cutting it off. It's been going for a month, and of all
- hmmm
Hey wanna hear something crazy? I am a gemini born May 27th and I am not two faced. I do not feel like two different peo
- Update on me and gemini.
I ended things with the gemini guy who was after me today. We were getting along really well hanging out every weekend.
- Nose Piercing!
Hello all, It is 2015 and my goal for this year is to have new experiences. My wish is to go against my instincts (w
- do cancer men come back?
I've been with my cancer man (July 15th) for about a year. I told him I loved him and he didn't call or text me the next