May 13, 2022
May 13, 2022 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 13
Topics Created On May 13, 2022
- Age and fatherhood
I am curious to learn what you think is a reasonable age to become a father.
Lately I've been spending much time with the little one of my brother who seems to love me for reasons unknown, and I'm quite fond of that little one myself.
I don't have kid
- Moving in together
Fellas, how long would you be serious with a lady before considering this???
- Update on Pisces and Scorpio guy. A Taurus has also entered the triangle.
Some of you wanted updates about my Pisces vs Scorpio guy situation so here it is.
- Had sex with the Pisces twice but can say I feel used because he's healing from a breakup from a few months ago still. Also I feel like he judges me a lot more or misund
- When do you let whole thing in?
The question is how do you know you can trust him to put in all the way or just half way?
Is this depends on dick length or relationship length?
- I can’t talk right now
I am working for country and too many people pick up just to say
I am on conference call
I am at work
I driving
My question WHY TF are you picking up the phone during conference call? Or at work IF you can’t talk?
And WHY are you calling me back
- Neat and Messy
Does anyone of you living with the other one?
How are you doing?
- Restart
I am in love with your darkness
Yet pray you find your light
I see the beauty within your soul
And want to crack you open
To let it shine
My eternal love for you
Has consumed me and dimmed my own light
We match in our own darkness and our own light
A lou
Someone said:
I am punching well above my weight
I was curious what she meant. So I found this:
engage in an activity or contest perceived as being beyond your capacity or abilities.
(That’s what I thought she meant but below raised my curiosity)