Moon sesquisquare Pluto

Moon is currently at 18° in the zodiac sign of Leo and Pluto is currently at 2° in the sign of Aquarius.

Are Moon and Pluto currently in sesquisquare?

No. Moon and Pluto are not currently in sesquisquare.

A sesquisquare in astrology exactly occurs when two planets are 135° degrees of each other. The influence of the sesquisquare can still be felt when they are up to 2 degrees apart.

When is the next time Moon and Pluto will be sesquisquare?

The next time this aspect happens will be on Friday, February 14, 2025 at 10:58am UTC.

When was the last time Moon and Pluto were sesquisquare?

The last time this aspect happened was on Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 7:36am UTC.

Have any experiences to share with this sesquisquare? Share in the message boards.

Major Sesquisquare Aspects

About Moon sesquisquare Pluto:
Updated on: July 01, 2021
Published: February 04, 2020