Monday, January 13, 2025
The twelfth and last sign of the zodiac. Pisces are normally born between February 19 - March 20. The exact date and time of your birth could determine whether you're a Pisces or not!
Sometimes you feel that you do not belong in this world, but where you actually belong is still unknown. People around you may be even more confused by your hard to follow personality. You have great intuition and can easily understand anyone's point of view. This could cause problems, though, as you try to help end everyone's sob story.
You are capable of hard work and sacrifice to reach a goal or help someone. You are best suited in a more relaxing job, than one filled with stress and conflict. Filled with talent and charm, you have wonderful ideas and skills. However others rarely see this side of you because you are so unsure of yourself.
Pisceans are very generous and unselfish and people always want to be friends with you. You almost have a sixth sense about what's going to happen and others would be best to listen to your hunch. You do not judge others by their cover, but by the person they are inside. And everyone can appreciate that.
Searching for just-the-right gift for a person born under the sun sign of Pisces? These individuals are often romantic, highly intelligent and understanding. Helping others is a way of life for them.
Hard work comes easily to a true Pisces, although they are best suited for relaxing activities. Talent and charm are two of the most endearing qualities of these individuals. And their ideas and skills come in handy on many occasions.
Special colors for Pisces -- whose symbols are two fish -- include pale green and turquoise.
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