Mercury trine Venus

Mercury is currently at 13° in the zodiac sign of Scorpio and Venus is currently at 5° in the sign of Sagittarius.

Mercury and Venus are not currently trine.

This astrological aspect occurs when Mercury is exactly 120° from Venus. The influence of the trine can still be felt when they are up to 4 degrees apart.

  • The last time these two planets were directly trine was on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 6:27am UTC. Mercury was 13° in Scorpio and Venus was 13° in Pisces.
  • The next time these two planets will have a direct trine is on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 11:19am UTC. Mercury will be 13° in Scorpio and Venus will be 13° in Pisces.

Have any experiences to share with the Mercury and Venus trine? Share in the comments below.

Major Trine Aspects