March 28, 2021
March 28, 2021 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 28
Topics Created On March 28, 2021
- When Leo men are upset, do you give them space or leave?
- Dating a Capricorn Moon man.
Mr. Mixed Signals. So, if his actions are to speak louder than his words... he’s into me. He likes me a lot. He calls often, most of our conversations are 1-3 hours long. Invites me to hangout often, flirts relentlessly etc. But his words? Lol! His words
- Leo woman coming back to an ex?
Trying to get some insight from the Leo lady’s on this, do you or have you gone back to an ex? And what makes you do so? And what are your thoughts on the below??
I’m in a situation now with one, I have a post about it under relationships, I was pretty
- He broke up w/ his ex. Got with me. Got back w/her. They broke up and now he’s back w/ me?
So this guy (30/m) I’m (22/f) seeing just broke up with his ex recently. He wanted to marry her but it didn’t work out. He met me, we hooked up, and spent a week together when I flew out to see him. 2 days later he sends me a text saying he’s working thin
- Leo guy broke up w/ ex. Got w/ me. They broke up again now he’s w/ me again. Does he like me now??
He broke up with his ex. Got with me. Then got back with her. They broke up and now he’s back with me. He introduced me to his friends so does he have feelings for me now?
So this Leo guy (30/m) I’m (22/f) seeing just broke up with his ex (she’s a Leo to
- When an Ex Says Happy Birthday
What is your reaction? Are you annoyed? Or Thankful but keep it moving?
How would you react and what is your sun, moon and mars sign?