April 28, 2021
April 28, 2021 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 28
Topics Created On April 28, 2021
- Pluto - Mars vs. Pluto - Venus in synastry, which is more intense and attractive?
Go for it, love to hear from those who have felt both.
- Sagittarius suddenly breaks up with me.
I hope someone can give me some insight.
I was in a relationship my now ex-boyfriend. He is a sag sun with leo moon and scorpio venus. I'm a gemini with a taurus moon and cancer venus.
The relationship was great we had a very deep connection. But when
- Leo man breaking up with Scorpio woman
My boyfriend of 11 months is breaking up with me. We’ve been living together one month after we officially started dated. It happened really out of the blue and he’s said super hurtful things (e.g. he hates me, never wants to see me again) and then I didn
- Are Sagittarian men possessive?
My Sag man went crazy on me because I did not answer the phone...He called ten times back to back. Once I finally answered, he began questioning me, practically yelling at me, like I was his child. He then said that I was worried about you, so don't ever
- Would you date someone in prison?
If you have, share your experiences.
- When do you think we’ll be able to travel again overseas without any restrictions?
Before the pandemic, I wanted to take my parents on a trip to Europe. It was something I always had in mind. Now I’m basically just waiting for things to get better. I don’t want to risk buying airplane tickets and I wouldn’t like to travel wearing masks
- 👄
sag venus, libra mars