July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 20
Topics Created On July 20, 2021
- Do Aquarius moon men typically come after a break up that ended on good terms?
We’re friends now and still are very much attracted to each other and love is still there.
- Do Aquarius moon men typically come back after a break up that ended on good terms?
- Taurus Man Advice
So i dated a taurus man for a year, we were really inlove but we were also naive and he left me abruptly and had a lot going on, fast forward almost 2 years, were in contact again, he dated someone during that time, but he ended it and told me he loved me
- Taurus Man advice
So i dated a taurus man for a year, we were really inlove but we were also naive and he left me abruptly and had a lot going on, fast forward almost 2 years, were in contact again, he dated someone during that time, but he ended it and told me he loved me
- Positivity
How do get back to your usual more positive self when you get in a slump of negativity ?
Is there an app for that? 😅
The world is really getting to me today
And I started my period but that’s just the icing really this has been a months long slump for
- Laurel Hubbard and Transgender Olympians
So apparently there is a transgender woman (so born male, transitioned to female) who is going to be competing in the Olympics in weightlifting. In order to be classified as a woman by the IOC, you only need to prove by testing that your testosterone leve