February 8, 2024
February 8, 2024 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On February 8, 2024
- Leos how do you feel about Pisces?
I noticed those two signs don’t get along with each other. They’re always at odds with each other and in competition, especially the men. It seems like Leo men and Pisces men hate each other.
I just wanted some thoughts from a Leo pov but also Pisces pov
- Pisces men and friendships
Just wanted to get into depth into Pisces men and friendships.
From what I observed, Pisces men tend to dislike Virgo and Leo men. They’re (Pisces M) at best friends with Taurus men.
So Pisces males, what do you think about Leo and Virgo men and how’s y
- How do you solve problems?
So I'm at a new job and I realize something about myself. I'm a pretty inventive kinda person and I can make shit to solve problems or I can figure out a tool that will solve that problem.
The thing is that my mind just goes there by default, as soon as
- Seriously ill ex - WWYD
I feel like an ass for even typing this and people may say I’m an ass in response, but I don’t know what to do so here goes.
My first ‘real’ girlfriend from school got in touch with me recently. I was 15 when we got together and she was 16 (same school y