December 17, 2021
December 17, 2021 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 17
Topics Created On December 17, 2021
- Jussie Smollett thread
What happened to it? 🙃
- hi
- Steven Seagal
So sad he's an Aries. He's an embarrassment :(
- Capricorn Women - Do you ever find that men just can't handle you?
Capricorn Women are known to be strong and have 'balls.' They know what they want. Why they want it. And they're not afraid to go and get it.
However in my experience of relationships, once things settle down and we've gone past the flirting and gone pas
- Linkin Park - Chad Bennington Scorpio Moon
Identify with this guy a lot.
The songs are so well written and very scorponic.
Even the titles resonate
- Sun and Mercury placements
What are yours? I'm sun conjunct mercury in Aries, both in the third house. I'm always thinking, it drives me nuts sometimes.
- Mars in Cancer and sports?
Hi everyone, hope you are all having a great day. I am an Aries sun (third house) with a mars in cancer (in the sixth house). I've noticed throughout my life, I've always been drawn to some type of sport in order to be content. I understand mars in can
- Venus and Taurus and eating
Hello everyone, hope you are having a great day. I've always wondered something, does literally any Taurus placement increase your appetite? I don't think this is a native trait of an Aries lol.
- The stars and your sex life
I found this floating around the internet, it gave me a good laugh so I figured I would share it.
- Any ENTJs?
Hey everyone! ENTJ, Aries Sun, Cap moon here :) My mind is cluttered, I need to organize my surroundings (for my personal things) or I'll go crazy inside, can any other ENTJ relate, and what sign are you? Curious to see how the sign and personality type