December 31, 2021
December 31, 2021 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 31
Topics Created On December 31, 2021
- Anybody know any good hair growth product?
Gosh I wonder why this site doesn't have a hair or cosmetics forum.
Well as the title says. Do anybody know of any good hair regrowth formula? I'm at that hair loss stage and to add insult to injury I'm receding :'( at the hairline. I've tried every prod
- I Need to Vent! And Yes its about the Pisces guy again!
As most of you know on here, I stupidly left my Aries husband to be with this Pisces guy and now I'm alone because Pisces guy never left his partner.
This time around - after 7 years of "I'm in love with you. I want a relationship with you. I wa
- Do Aquarius go with the flow or…
I told my Aquarius other half I was planning dinner and us time in the next couple days. I asked what Day works and he said ok. So is he saying it’s up to me and he’s down or what? He is almost 10 years older too.
- On to 2022!!
It’s my reflection time of where I’m at and where I’m going! For me, I’m being anti-social and concentrating on me, seeing how this path evolves. Ironically I’m hearing about so many comments to my daughter about me from my ex-husband lately. What I thin
- Saturn being an a$$hole
We can all relate!