August 14, 2022
August 14, 2022 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On August 14
Topics Created On August 14, 2022
- Hey men of exp have u been turn down as soon as you said your sign.
I have 3 times that I know of most of the time I see there face get sad. No one can guess I’m a Virgo maybe they think I’m Scorpio. I have scorpio rising and Pluto in the first house. If you guys have been turn down what’s your sign. I think Virgo men hav
- Hey men of exp have u been turn down as soon as you said your sign.
I have 3 times that I know of most of the time I see there face get sad. No one can guess I’m a Virgo maybe they think I’m Scorpio. I have scorpio rising and Pluto in the first house. If you guys have been turn down what’s your sign. I think Virgo men hav
- Do you usually stay away from serious conversations?
Libra and I (aqua) are “friends” who basically behave like we are in a relationship. Recently I tried to have a conversation about how I/we feel about things think and want to do(which for me I usually try to avoid) but we are so close it seemed necessary