August 9, 2022
August 9, 2022 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On August 9
Topics Created On August 9, 2022
- Dude is making me lose my mind
I don't trust this chart to tell me the truth. Is this Taurus really into me like I think, or am I losing my mind?
1) *I* felt an instant connection - like automatic electricity the second we met. *He appeared* to change from a grumpy a-hole to a fun, en
- How to avenge my roommate?
Just need to vent.
So I have to female roommates, Carla is borderline and her boyfriend almost lives here, he spent months in her room. Sarah got fed up and finally complained to the landlord.
Carla had a breakdown cried and deleted Sarahs number. Then s
- Trying to figure out Libra thinking
Starting with, the dating is over, and that’s fine. I’m just trying to understand his mentality. Was dating a libra guy briefly. I felt like I was always being critiqued. We recently went out with a large group for the first time.Totally fine he was hangi
- Trying to figure out Libra thinking
Starting with, the dating is over, and that’s fine. I’m just trying to understand his mentality. Was dating a libra guy briefly. I felt like I was always being critiqued. We recently went out with a large group for the first time.Totally fine he was hangi
- SATURN and 8th house in Synastry
I would like to know your experiences with a person's Saturn sitting in your 8th house. I have a person's Saturn in my 8th house and I am attracted to that person, but I also feel a certain fear of opening up. We have several DWs of Pluto Square Venus, P
- Plutonian relationships really are this awful, made me quit my job!
So I had to work closely with this one woman who had a Pluto-Mars double whammy, within 1 degree orb, with me as well as a Pluto Moon double whammy too. Now we also had a Venus and Mars square at 1 degree, she was the Mars. Thankfully she lived on the oth