December 19, 2022
December 19, 2022 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 19
Topics Created On December 19, 2022
- @LadyNeptune and Co
Good job libtards!!!
- Christmas gifts
I hate receiving gifts and I am not good at giving gifts because I never know what person needs because I don’t need shit!!!
So I am assuming nobody needs anything as well…
I know Virgo is planning something.
Do I need to have gift to give back?
I had o
- What are your examples of double standards?
Just saw that thread in reddit. So I am asking what are your examples of doublestandards/hypocrisy? In day to day life,
at work, in news etc? I know social workers who criticize their clients yet dont take disagreements and critic well.
- Geminis, why you so cold?
What would make you turn a cold shoulder all of a sudden?
.. Going from talkative to giving one word answers
.. Becoming snappy when you don't get what you were expecting
.. Acting like you're a total stranger
I know.. it's too generic, but just wonderi