December 3, 2022
December 3, 2022 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 3
Topics Created On December 3, 2022
- Appreciation for the bull
I've watched Rick Steves' Europe ever since I was a kid. Recently I've been watching Stanley Tucci's show about Italy. Today, Rick Steves' showing his age as he's 67. But, holy shit! Stanley Tucci is harder to look at, despite the fact he's several years
- scorp/sag pluto
or true for every gen?
used one of my boyfriend's accounts and let's just say his character is called chickenwingz and so i got respect and was left in peace. but i notice when i input my gender, i'm just treated differenly. and by differently, i mean
- Virgo humor
It is 5am and I am posting here…I lost my mind. Apparently.
So in a light of my yesterday rant about Virgo isn’t fixing vent…shower whatever…
3:30 AM and we are having sex and during all that he says
- be careful, Natasha! You fucking today’s Master P
- Cancerian’s are they just friendly and polite to everyone?
I’m a Gemini with Scorpio moon. Think I’ve developed a bit of a work based crush. I’m not in the same department as this guy, more that we’re both in the same building and cross paths a couple of times a day but don’t directly work together.
At first gla
- Infidelity
What are ways a couple can repair their relationship after infidelity has occured not only once, but multiple times? Consider that the betrayed partner will never be able to look at the betraying partner the same..
- Pisces men: Great actors, or hopeless romantics?
I’ll start this off by saying I’m pretty accustomed to men telling me they love me. It’s not a problem in my perspective since they still seem to understand the nature of our relationships are sexual, and accept it as that.
In August I started seeing a
- meaning of this?
there was this huge building that for some reason i can tell was owned by a woman who i know sells off other women. i had my hair perfect, wearing my oufit with the whitepantsuits and allm for some reason, with a lot of determination, i took a weirdly-sh