May 1, 2023
May 1, 2023 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 1
Topics Created On May 1, 2023
- Understanding Scorpio Men
Hi, I'm a Sagitarrius. My fling is a Scorpio, we had this relationship that was from a lover and it turns into friends. He used to be passionate with me, was pretty controlling and jealous. He try to cheat on me with that other woman who didn't entertain
- Going to have my first time with Scorpio Man
Not a question but I want to vent out my thoughts
So me (Cancer) and this guy (Scorpio) have been friends for 7 yrs. And yes we are close friends.
Throughout our friendship phase I had experienced ups and downs with him.
From finding him too good and dif
- 10 things ….
….which may indicate you are independent
1. Have you ever lived/slept alone for a considerable length of time?
2. Travelled alone - taken a flight/long train journey etc?
3. Walked away from a relationship with no other to go to?
4. Eaten in a res
- Ladies..a question. And its something I've heard many times..!
Why is it, that whenever a man has upset us, and we tell him, and the reason why, a lot of men get hurt and think we ladies are being mean! Then we are made to feel bad.
I'm sure there are women like this But...
I'm just talking about Men who do this
- What do you do to show interest?
Hey Aquas what have you done to show you’re interested in someone and it’s been successful?
I personally feel like I’m really bad at pursuing anything that involves a living person 😂 . I become very introverted and observe them from a distance and people