December 1, 2023
December 1, 2023 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 11.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 1
Topics Created On December 1, 2023
- Hello Pisces peeps! I how long does it take you to grieve a relationship ?
If you were the one who was dumped, how long has it taking you to get over a person? What is your moon and Venus sign?
- Does he…or doesn’t he?
Hey, Capricorn female here, kind of in a situationship with a married Taurus man. In the beginning I expressed my attraction to him, flirted with him, he would verbally tell me that he was married but give me advice on my soon to be separated marriage. Wh
- what blinds people about someone
in their chart? as if this person will come off a certain way that they actually are not? what is in this person's chart that helps them pull that wool over?
like how are some celebs able to hide their actual personality and have people fangirling when p
- Needing Feedback on a Text
For context, it’s been 3 months no contact with a friend of mine long distance (of 4 years) that I had intimacy with back in September (wholeheartedly regret) and the dynamic has changed. I know it’s going to be a tad awkward but I don’t want to give up o
- Chocolate covered bacon!
You know, I tried some chocolate covered bacon that somebody made for me. I didn't like it.
What's something else that somebody made for you recently, that you did not care for?