January 1, 2013
January 1, 2013 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 1
Topics Created On January 1, 2013
- Uh....Happy New Year?!
Wishing all my fellow Scorps a happy and successful new year. Be well folks!
- Boyfriend leaving me alone for new years eve?
Boyfriend leaving me alone for new years eve? should ibe mad .. now mind you we are together allllll day everyday .. aft
- Happy New Years Crabs!!!
Wishing eveyone the best this year. ;)
- Happy new year
Everybody!!! I love me some Capricorns!!!! Woohoo!!!!
- The friend zone sag/sag
Me and this sag have known each other for 9 years I'm 17 and he's 18. We have liked each other in the past and had relat
- Gemini's are the key to escapingCancer's blues...
Hi all (posted this in Scorpio but thought better to post here also!) I'm new to this forum but have read some really
- aqua scorpio match
Hey guys, I'am an Aqua girl and I recently met a Scorpio man that I really like. I heard the odds are pretty mu
- The Possession
based off the Dybbuk box http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dybbuk_box Legend and history The term Dibbuk Box was
- Just a simple (non) relationship question
So after about 2 months of dating, he starts commenting about the male friends he thinks I have. Wants to know my wher
- Happy New Year!!!! I Married My Cancer Man!!
I'm so happy!!! I married my cancer man!! I just wanted to share this post to say that cancers are amazing signs, at l
- Happy new year my fellow taureans!
just wanted to wish you guys a happy new year, wish you all the best. Hopefully this new year the forum will be filled
- Vmen and exes
Well, happy new year! What's up with Vmen and exes? It seems that a lot of them stay friends with their exes and also Vm
- Taurus and sex....
Now that I got your attention.... Do Taurus folks view sex differently between people that they just date and those
- stay or go?
for all you astro-whizzes looking to fill in few moments: I have some friends who are married, both nice people indiv
There are soldiers everywhere. Some have to go to war and come home, a statistic, waiting to happen. Some are raised t
- MUst
watch... stooges... maratho.....iu\\\/
- Joint Pain Relief Oil - Deemark Dard Mukti Oil
Deemark Dard Mukti Oil - to give relief from some of the common ailments like arthritis, joint pain, knee pain, shoulder