January 1, 2012
January 1, 2012 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 1
Topics Created On January 1, 2012
- Sex!
I wanted to post a thread (which is now this one) asking my fellow Aries lasses about the reactions you get from guys in
- I finally did it... :(
For those of you who've read my few posts.... (don't want to go into all the details again) Late last night I finall
- Aries dudes perspective on Aries chicks
Hello male counterparts! I was just wondering what your perspective is on us Aries chicks! I know to a lot f the other
- Aries Guys Rock!
So simple yet smart. And did I mention funny and entertaining as hell? :P I just have to say all the ones I've ever
- Resolutions???
Do you make resolutions? Do you keep them? Do you write them down to track your progress? I like to make New Years r
- the cancer man and infidelity
do cancer men like to pursue or be pursued? and are they capable of successfully maintaining a long distance relationshi
- Dating Based On the Signs.
Does anyone (upon meeting a potential partner) decide whether or not you will or could date someone based on their sign?
- first sex of the new year
so i was wondering who i was going to be. thought it would be the cappy, but it turned out to be the sag. good way to
- Aqua
- Freaking aqua's
Damn you for being so irresistible, charming, intellectual, sweet, endearing, attractive, illusive, charismatic and darn
- do u give head?
i will go first....YES
- Bad sex?
Good partner in most other aspects, marriage material in fact,..but bad sex.. You try to spice it up, talk about its
- libra/virgo women>> w/ sag?!..lol
any of yall out here?
- sag success wit geminis..possible even??
hmm..no? lol im a lil jaded on this one
- Taurus Women and Hard to Get
So, as the topic title states Taurians, are you, specifically the women, hard to get? Or do you just like to test guy
- Are most Libra women submissive?
- whats with the crab?