August 23, 2021
August 23, 2021 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On August 23
Topics Created On August 23, 2021
- Help! I think I messed up with Aqua guy...
Scorp girl here. I am new here so I am sorry for any misunderstanding of how all this works. I hope I am in the right place for this question. So here it goes as short as I can make it.
- Help! I think I messed up with Aqua guy...
Scorp girl here. I am new here so I am sorry for any misunderstanding of how all this works. I hope I am in the right place for this question. So here it goes as short as I can make it.
- Help! I think I messed up with Aqua guy...
I am new here and apologize for any misunderstanding about how this board works. And I hope I'm in the right place for advice.
So here it goes.... and so sorry about the length.
Scorp girl here, met an Aqua guy about a month ago. Everything took off what
- Covid and Eviction Referendum's
If America is refusing the solution (vaccine), when it’s it time to gtfo? And stop the eviction moratorium.
I’m saying it seems America had plenty of time to achieve a strong enough heard immunity, before the delta variant kicked in, and things didn’t hav
- Hot & Cold Taurus? What do
hey y’all. i met a Taurus Lady recently, I am an Aqua Man & boy oh boy was i swept off my feet. Our first meeting was completely effortless and intense. We vibed in a way I haven’t with anyone else in a long, long time. The entire night it was like we