August 10, 2021
August 10, 2021 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On August 10
Topics Created On August 10, 2021
- A Home for The Dead memes And Internet Trends
Remember when these were the peak of your mental preoccupations?
- What would make a Sag woman try to bully a guy?
One of the girls I am seeing although we aren't exclusive has a friend in her group, we'll call her Taylor. Taylor is the outspoken friend for sure but she is cool with most people, including a past guy who used to casually hook up with the girl I am seei
- Should I be mad?
My closest work friend is a Scorp
We often take lunch together, gossip, vent, talk personal shit, etc
Friday while I was out sick, our boss called a meeting and made a major announcement about one of our execs retiring and one of my other co-workers wh
- What are your favorite things to hatewatch
Personally I love watching telescamgelists fake faith healing, robbing the needy as jesus intended ofc. Grifting HOG conservatives is always an entertaining watch.
- Scorpio man is doing my head in!
Hi All :)
I met this scorpio man two weeks ago and this is the first scorpio I ever dated. We hit it off right away and have been inseparable since. Like we saw each other 10 out of 14days. Staying the nights together most time.
We both are in 40s and w
- Scorpio man is doing my head in!
Hi All :)
I met this scorpio man two weeks ago and this is the first scorpio I ever dated. We hit it off right away and have been inseparable since. Like we saw each other 10 out of 14days. Staying the nights together most time.
We both are in 40s and w
- Scorpio man is doing my head in!
Hi All :)
I met this scorpio man two weeks ago and this is the first scorpio I ever dated. We hit it off right away and have been inseparable since. Like we saw each other 10 out of 14days. Staying the nights together most time.
We both are in 40s and w
- Scorpio man is doing my head in!
Hi All :)
I met this scorpio man two weeks ago and this is the first scorpio I ever dated. We hit it off right away and have been inseparable since. Like we saw each other 10 out of 14days. Staying the nights together most time.
We both are in 40s and w
- Scorpio man is doing my head in!
Hi All :)
I met this scorpio man two weeks ago and this is the first scorpio I ever dated. We hit it off right away and have been inseparable since. Like we saw each other 10 out of 14days. Staying the nights together most time.
We both are in 40s and w
- Scorpio man is doing my head in!
Hi All :)
I met this scorpio man two weeks ago and this is the first scorpio I ever dated. We hit it off right away and have been inseparable since. Like we saw each other 10 out of 14days. Staying the nights together most time.
We both are in 40s and w
- Need help w a Taurus? I’ll even throw in a bonus tip.
For a limited time offer of $29.99 per hour, minimum 3 days, I can get you your Taurus, as a Taurus myself I know how it’s good to be w us. Lmk, I can help, don’t wait.