August 7, 2021
August 7, 2021 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On August 7
Topics Created On August 7, 2021
- How do you know when a Capricorn man is falling for someone?
Very affectionate and talkative a while back now he’s more in tune to my daily life and schedule. He always is making sure I’m ok and is opening up more. What’s next?
- Why are Scorpios so riddled with envy?
I wonder.
Why can't they just work hard and just be good at something that requires talent?
- Taurus Newbie!
Hey all
Recently getting interested in Astrology, wow, so much resonates.
Question: I've been watching some Tarot Taurus readings on Youtube, I am a Taurean, so is my partner (probably should say ex as he's blanking me)....
Who does the reading apply to
- Taurus Aspergers man, blocked me
Advice needed, please no nasty comments as I am fragile!!
Together 16 months, ups and downs as partner has Aspergers (only knew half way through when I found out his son had it)... made a lot of sense as we argued A LOT!
I saw why, and it explained a lo
- Aquarius ex girlfriend
Im a pisces girl and i ended things with aqua girl after 6 months because we had some troubles. She was really hurt and she didn't want anything to do with me. After like 4 months i tried to contact her and be friend but she told me she has a new girlfr
- Aquarius ex girlfriend
Im a pisces girl and i ended things with aqua girl after 6 months because we had some troubles. She was really hurt and she didn't want anything to do with me. After like 4 months i tried to contact her and be friend but she told me she has a new girlfr
- Cancerians how do you stop feeling down?
My brother been feeling down lately, it seems that he's faliing into depression. I kind of know what's going on with him, but not into much details and I don't like to push him to talk, but I want to help him somehow. He's stubborn, I try to invite him to