November 8, 2021
November 8, 2021 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On November 8, 2021
- Why are Aquarius men so emotionally detached?
Been dating this auqa for a while, seems like when life hits him hard his emotions go out the window and he’s not focused on life as a whole, it’s more so work, work and more work. Is this normal?
- Please help me get back with my Virgo man
My Virgo man and me became apart due to silly misunderstandings. I don't want to lose him. What to do?
- Pisces Venus Assistance
How do you get a pisces venus to be more grounded and let go of toxic individuals in their lives?
- Taurus sun, Sag moon, Leo rising, Gemini venus MAN... insights welcome!!
Any low down or insights on this Taurus man??
Taurus sun, Sag moon, Leo rising, Gemini venus
(I'm Taurus sun, Aquarius moon, Cancer rising, Taurus venus)
Early days, chit chat, phonecalls, occasional FT (he's in a different country, though I'm