November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 11.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 13
Topics Created On November 13, 2021
- Clubhouse App?!
Random topic.....But do any of you be on the Clubhouse app? I recently joined and thus far.. Ya girl is LOVINGGGG it.... There are so many rooms anddd people from alllll over.
- Can two alphas work relationships/friendships?
I've come to realize I get bored unless I am interacting with other alpha types. Sag Sun/Aries Moon.... Typically what happens is I overly dominate, and end up being the pack leader. That doesn't normally work in romantic relationships though I've come t
- Saturn returns
I found a Saturn return calculator. You put on your birthdate & it calculates the dates of your 3 Saturn returns.
For me:
My first one seems very accurate .. was the period of time just aft
- I Love You Guys And I Ain’t Going No Where
Even the assholes here… I ain’t running away like I ran off errr .. Fuck was his name.. “Oc Mack” or whatever and he had another name the “izer” or “nator” or someshit. Had that poop mark on his face.
Then Dazed. I like to call him “Crazed”. I ran him of
- Is this how a man who has Mars in Cancer acts when he is being passive aggressive?
I know this guy who works at a store he has Mars in Cancer we met years ago. A while ago we went and hooked up. Whenever I see him we talk. (I gave him money a couple of weeks ago) Recently I started talking to another guy who works there about Bitcoin. Y
- Gift ideas
One of my nieces is turning 18 on the 20th and I have no idea what to get her. Any suggestions? She is still in high school.