November 29, 2021
November 29, 2021 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 29
Topics Created On November 29, 2021
- Best of ASMR
Since ASMR videos appeared for the first time, I have not met any which would completely satisfy me, so I do not watch them at all.
Please post your favourite ASMR.
- And the most popular Zodiac couple based on a story is
Makes sense, I have seen the two end up together a lot.....
- Anyone else drawing a lot of Sags into their lives?
All inner planets except for Mercury and Mars in Leo and I've noticed over the years I've drawn in a lot of Sag women into my life, like a ton.
First kiss - Sag
First girlfriend ever - Sag
First one-night stand I kept in touch with - Sag
First college re
- Is this what Cancer man jealousy looks like?
I’m coming up on three months with my Cancer guy. Started out very fast and hot and heavy, we slowed down to dating, and now have slowed down to more friends to get to know each other, give him time to heal from some past wounds and be ready to commit. Ho
- Past forum
I can't remember what post it was on but I remember some of you guys said that you must be friends with a Gemini first of all.
I am questioning my self if I done the right thing or not.
Gem rang me and said well you wasn't going to call me was you ?
- Aries is so right
He said to me that he finally understands that a good woman is hard to find and even harder to hold on to.
- Zodiac Signs on a Road Trip
This is what each Zodiac sign is like on a road trip:
Aries- "why are we going so sloooooooowww?" "UP YOURS, JACKASS!" Spends their entire paycheck on useless stuff. It's okay, life is about experiences! Carpe Diem!
Taurus- Packs plenty of snacks, sug
- Zodiac Signs on a Road Trip
This is what each Zodiac sign is like on a road trip:
Aries- "why are we going so sloooooooowww?" "UP YOURS, JACKASS!" Spends their entire paycheck on useless stuff. It's okay, life is about experiences! Carpe Diem!
Taurus- Packs plenty of snacks, sug
- Prozac
I’m sure someone has probably done this thread before, but if you have taken Prozac what was your experience? How long did you stay on it? What did you like or dislike about it? Did you take it at morning or night?
I start it tomorrow I’m nervous 😅
- Moon Synastry
Which moon in relationships do you feel is compatible with yours?
I’ve only had partners with harder Moon aspects to mine ~ the opposition, (three times) and the square. I found these quite challenging ...
I’m wondering how the conjunction, trine and se