September 1, 2012
September 1, 2012 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 1
Topics Created On September 1, 2012
- In need of a little advice...
Hi! I'm a sagittarius female (25y old) and am in a very confusing situation with a 32y old crab. He's a colleague of
- Libra sun, Scorpio rising..more saturn? :(
Like the title says I'm a Libra and Saturn is finally leaving in October after kicking my butt for the past 2+ years. No
- Gemini guy, confused by Capricorn woman
Heres my situation..Im asking this on the Cap forum so I may gain some much needed insight into this intriguing but comp
- The deciding factor!
Aries, what kind of gestures make you fall head over heels in love with someone? Something special that someone does tha
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FAVORITE FOOTBALL LOVING FRIEND! I don't know if I'm early or late, but for some reason I thought yo
- Why can't I see any AOOOOOOOOOA threads and posts?
on her profile. yes I stalk her and to like to read everything she says. :P Why dxpnet why?
- Pisces Women and Leo Men?
Hi everyone! :) This is my first post here and im hoping you all can help me out. I have met this Leo guy that i
- Pisces Women and Leo Men?
Hi everyone! This is my first post here and im hoping you all can help me out. (I posted this in the Pisces forum
- Confused about what to do.
me (aqua) and my virgo boyfriend recently have had some verbal disagreements and argue about stuff which bothers me. we
- Holding HANDS
What does it mean when a Pisces male initiates to hold your hands? Does it mean he likes you? Or for most, it's just a f
- OK, so what do you think about this?
I thought this was a rather interesting article. I do recognize that: 1) This lady is selling a book and making a n
- Hey RNAP, and LotusLily, and others
Hey ReallyNiceAriesPerson, and LotusLily, and all you other fine Aries female types. I started a thread in the Relatio
- straight talk VERSUS playing games
what are your opinions on being upfront and playing the game. Could there be a time and place for both? Personally I
- Perfect Night
i have been begging for 2 years to go out on a date with this guy and finally i feel like we did. aww he held my hand an
- Retreat
You know those moods we caps get into where we just need to be alone... What's the longest its ever lasted for you fello