November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 1
Topics Created On November 1, 2012
am cancer dating a cappy man,we had an argument 2 days ago.he thinks am stalking him,and i asked him if he is cheating o
- Meet My Feminine Side
She actually reminds me of my x's mother.
- Right Wing Left Wing
Sometimes in life you have to hit rock bottom where the shadow that follows you is the only one who is willing to talk,
- Meek because of my birth chart?
Hi forum, I have only recently started dwelving deeper in astrology. Throughout my life, I have always struggled to put
- I have a major thing for a Leo male. Help!
A little over two years ago I went on a date with a Leo male. things went exceedingly well, and we ended up hooking up.
- Help with chart interpretation please
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help interpret my chart please? I can feel the Aries sun and Gemini asc/moon/ve
- I don't understand virgos!! Does he like me?
Alright, so i'm a taurus and first he used to approach me, start a conversation and greets me whenever he spotted me. No
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- Hello to all Taurus people on the forum
Finally decided to open an account, just wanted to introduce myself. Sun-Taurus Moon -Leo Mercury- Aries Venus - A
- Virgo man is making me crazy!
Hi, I'm new to this website and board, so give me a break if I ramble or say something wrong. The thing is, I have been
I've been contemplating writing this, but I was too embarrassed to for obvious reasons. I cant get it out of my mind so
- +++Celtic Astrology+++
Find your personality ^_^ ++++Celtic tree astrology++++ Birch - The Achiever December 24 ??? January 20 If you
- Scorpio Woman and Taurus Man in relationships
I'm a Taurus Man and am interested in a Scorpio Woman. So what are your thoughts, views, opinions and experience on
- Is it easy to dom Scorps, Cancers, Bulls, virg..?
I was just reading that there are six feminine signs. Scorps, Cancers, Taurus, Virgos, Capricorns and Pisces. Aquarians
- Intense year and want an outlook on love <3
Hi all! This is my first time posting here so please bare with me if I made any mistakes :) The past year has been
- Do Scorpio Women pursue Taurus Men?
Do Scorpio Women ever pursue Taurus Men? Or do they want to be pursued? How do you entice a Scorpio woman to do the
- Regaining Virgo Mans Trust
Its been about 6 months since my virgo and I (scorpio) have been broken up. I did a lot to hurt him, I was at a place in
- Good movies gone bad....
You ever think about when you're younger or little and you watched a movie and thought it was the best thing you'd ever
- I discovered..
My scorp's father, mother, and mother's mother are all SCORPS! What the heck. And his only sibling, his brother, is