January 5, 2017
January 5, 2017 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 5
Topics Created On January 5, 2017
- How would you interpret this guy?
I've been getting to know this guy for a year now and would like some insight on some of his natal chart aspects
He has sun in Capricorn in 3rd house
Moon in pisces 5th house
Mercury in Aquarius 4th house
Venus in Capricorn in 3rd house
Mars in ar
- Things you Find Oddly Satisfying
- Why the Over the Top Rhetoric is Bad....
I'm posting two links, because the CBS site doesn't mention the comments made by the four people in custody while they tortured this man:
- Colors of night
I was just shocked by my American born friend hasn't seen Colors of night with Bruce Willis.
Like...how come?
Have you seen it?
- Venus in Capricorn men in 3rd house
What do venus in Capricorn men like in women? How do they act in love? How do they act when they like you? Especially Venus in Capricorn in 3rd house
- HELP! Can someone read my synastry chart?
I had a synastry chart made for myself and a gentleman in my life. I don't know how to read it, but I've been dying to know what our charts say about our personalities, our relationship and our future. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
- friendship over.
I just can't have a friend who keeps many secrets from me.
Ands doesn't tell me his real name, his mom's occupation, his address, etc.
I can't have a friend like that.
Last night, I had a hard time getting to sleep because of Ands. I almost absen
- My Scorpio Man Hits Me
Is this normal behavior for Scorpio? I don't know what to do, I'm currently financially dependent on him and I have a young child.
- Dead Relatives
For the past two nights, I've had dreams about two dead relatives.
One was about my grandma. I dreamt that my cousin and I we're throwing her a bday party.
Last night I dreamt that my cousin had a baby, and my uncle (his dad) busted in the door to
- Capricorn birthday pictures!
Its our birthday month and we have been wishing each other.
I thought would it be cool to post some random pics from our birthdays this year. Doesnt have to be picture of us or any other person in it. Could be a gift, a party , a cake anything :)
- Cuffing season, Capricorn edition
I really need help with this question!!
If a Capricorn man (aqua moon) you've been hooking up with casually starts suggesting going out for dinner, should I start perusing him more to show that I'm into it? He mentioned doing that for my birthday next
- Seraphlight = the new everevolvingepithet?
- Libra Scorpio cusp dating an aquarius
I've been dating an Aquarius for some months now and the independence and lack of emotion factor is really getting to me but I feel like he's got a real kick in him somewhere. I could be wrong but he's kind and very caring, he just doesn't understand my i
- Is there a chance to get the old flame back?
So I have an ex who's a leo woman, we've been in a relationship for almost 2 yrs and 5 mos. We broke up like 12 yrs ago because of me; I was so immature that time, our relationship was on the rocks then everything got emotional esp. me so I broke up with
- Libra women help me out please
I'm new to this forum but I prefer the advice of real people over a paid professional lol
My ex girlfriend broke up with me about 6 months ago after a 2 year relationship, I literally chased her all the way up to November. She is a Libra and I'm a Virg
- I need some advice
So I know that compatible signs aren't always perfect for each other but I'm ready to try something new. I'm a Virgo and I've always been with air signs ever since I started dating. I'm ready to start pursuing Caps as I've heard we are perfect for one ano
- Where is No?
- what are some signs a libra man is hurt?
my boyfriend (pisces), his friend (libra), and myself (also a pisces) have had a very close and open relationship as of recently.
it used to be a monogamous relationship between my boyfriend and i but after a crazy night, we both agreed that having an
- auditions for a new bff
coz I need one too.
- Aquarius sun, Venus in pisces.
What can you tell me about yourself...and your love life ?.. how you approach love? how easily do you fall in love and how loyal are you ? what do you expect,/ need from a person you are seeing to see if she/he is worthy of a commitment. how do you show l
- Aquarius don't chase?????
wow, this is new to me....why's that? please explain you amazing airy creatures.
- Is my cancer man emotionally abusive, or just being Cancer?
Hi,I've been looking at this forum now for weeks and finally posting hoping for some solid advice. I'm a Sagittarian girl and met a Cancer guy while travelling mid last year. We exchanged contact details and texted for about two months before I thought I'
- cancer Sagittarius relationship disaster
Hi,I've been looking at this forum now for weeks and finally posting hoping for some solid advice.
I'm a Sagittarian girl and met a Cancer guy while travelling mid last year. We exchanged contact details and texted for about two months before I thought
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Appreciation thread. I know I'll be alone in this but...
- @DangerousEntanglements
I didn't get to read your thread before you closed it, so I really have no clue what responders said to you, or what your story is beyond what I can see under title.
But .......
When women have this problem (dependent on a wife beater) .... they
- I'm back
- Sun square Uranus and Neptune in a Natal Chart?
What does it mean?
Sun: Aries - 11th house
Uranus and Neptune: Capricorn - 8th house
- Would like to learn more about my sign- Taurus Woman here
Hope everyone is having a great day so far. I've been reading a few posts here & there and I'm quite intrigued about how one knows what suns,moons or etc they are.
All I know is that I am a Taurus woman born on May 9th. And from what my mother s
- Are you a virgin?
State your age. If not, at what age did you lose your virginity?
- My Perception of Time is Skewed
What do I do?
- Do you like laughing and animals?!?
Check out my rescue's hilarious, improv commercial. #1 on Reddit and YouTube!
- Need advice on dealing with a difficult customer
This will probably be a long-winded post, but I need advice. I am a Finance Manager for a used semi-truck dealership. I have a client that purchased a truck at the end of October for a 2009 Peterbilt AS-IS. Since then, he is calling me non-stop about ev
- Ronda Roussey
she might retire, as her MOJO is gone...since the Libra stellium took down her MOJO....
Libra stellium holly holmes took her down a year ago or so?? And no one is talking about the Women's MMA as much.
and she just got taken down by a Gemini sun,
- Facebook Live Torture Video
Four teenagers face hate crime, aggravated kidnapping and other felony charges in connection with the torture and beating of a bound and gagged
- Start a business or stay in the job, Is this information showed in a natal chart?
If yes, what placement shows the potential to start a succesful business or what kind of business one should start?
I guess that we should look at the second house but Taurus wants security what doesnt go well with starting a business, some astrologers
- Scorpio sun - Pluto 00 01' sagitarius
Hi zodiacz, any help :) ?
- Is he testing me or is he done with me?
Hi guys.
My story-
Met a gem guy a while ago and had a couple dates then we lost contacts.
We got in touch probably a month ago then had lots of dates for last few weeks as both had lots of time being on holiday.
He went back to work this week and
- Aquarius males and married women
In my experience with the few Aqua men I've met as a married woman, they couldn't care lless that I am married. It seems if I befriend them or am nice to them they take it the wrong way. One Aqua guy I've known for 14 years, he still pursues me even thoug
- Where's Harukka?
Has she left us??
- I know all about Scorpios
Test me.
- The art of fighting is to subdue the enemy without fighting?
Dafaq? How the dafaq I'm gonna do that? But for real has anyone ever read the art of war? Just ordered the book give me some opinions on what you took from the book.
- No Birthdays today?