February 1, 2017
February 1, 2017 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 1
Topics Created On February 1, 2017
- Would a virgo man casually say he misses someone even if he really doesnt?
My question really is, Are Virgo men sometimes smooth talkers and just say stuff without meaning it? Or are they really just that straightforward with their feelings?
He is a Virgo sun, Virgo Moon,and a Venus in Libra.I'm a Gemini sun, Scorpio moon w
- Confused by Pisces man
I am in love with a Pisces man. I mean I have really got it bad. I am a Capricorn, and have been on my own as a single parent for years. I have casually known this Pisces for a few years, but over the Sumner something changed between us. We started talkin
- Do your feelings come and go?
Not an aqua but i have an aqua moon and other planets, and have always related more to your side of things...sometimes i'm overjoyed with someone and then later i don't think about them much at all...it's weird..??
- Narcissists...
There's a lot of bad and terrible things said about Narcissists...
I happened to take a test on a psychology website and I scored very high... I shared it with my friends and their scores were at least 10-15 points lower than mine.
I don't consider m
- To let go or stay hopeful
I need a bit of advice. My cancer broke up with me with no good explanation. Just to sum it up, he tells me that he hasn't love anyone so hard ever in his life. The last 5 months I went through a very bad place in life. I lost everything from my job to m
- Gemini Moon...
I read this and feel identified 100% but I also found that most of these characteristics are for Aquarius.
I'm an Aqua with Aqua Sun Gemini Moon...
Cool, Witty, Changeable
People born with the Moon in Gemini are always changing their mood. they are
- Can someone interpret my chart synastry?
I love her so much. So very much. I know our love is very passionate and full of life and romance. But I have a hard time solving issues amongst us that are growing us farther and farther away...
How should I approach
- How do men deal with failure at work?
Do they lash out at their partner for petty little things? If they do, what does this mean about how they feel about her?
- Synastry opinions?
What do you guys think? I'm outside..
- have a huge crush on cap and hard to tell how he feels please help!
I met this cap twice around summer 16' in LA. Both times were very brief but I was very intrigued by him and attracted to him. Then I met him earlier this month again and he actually noticed me and paid attention to me and asked for my phone number. (keep
- Interpret this synastry? <3
I'm on the outside (red). And the guy is on the inside. Birth time for him is inaccurate but Astro wouldn't let me make this chart if I didn't have a time.
- Do you want to know
if a girl you just begin seeing is also going on dates with other people? Or do you not care since it is early stage (you are still getting to know each other)?
For example, when you text the girl, "How was your evening?" and she actually went on a da
- Have you ever had 3 or more major transits, to house cusps or planets?
Like Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, or Pluto, or Neptune, hitting house cusps at the same time (especially angular house cusps) and planets?
This must be a cluster fuck of events and changes, and l ave one coming up in 2 yesrs...just freakin out....or maybe
- Me Leo man blocked me even though he said he loves me
Hi, I'm a Scorpio woman rising sign Pisces. I have been dating a Leo man with a rising sign Scorpio for almost a year. Everything was going well. Only fought a few times, last time we fought was in October. He works everyday from 3am until 6pm since he is
- My Chart Comments
Aries - 11th House (12° 21')
Ascendant - 1st House cusp Gemini (27° 38')
Moon Gemini 12th House (1° 26')
Mercury Pisces - 10th House (15° 33')
Venus Pisces - 10th House (5° 55')
Mars Taurus - 12th House (27° 57')
Jupiter Aries - 11th House (7° 25')
- Ghost in the shell
Wouldnt it be awesome if our phones webpages, cameras and microphones collected information constantly and created algorithms for us that turned our phones into highly attuned intuitive, moral compasses.
Like the only people who showed up in your frien
- Working Relationship or other?
in a romantic relationship,
would you go for a working relationship type, like Bill Clinton/Hilary Clinton,
Barack Obama/Michelle Obama, ect. and the countless couple types that are similar,
it's s
- Eras in full
Gemini only comunicated better and socialized, traveling (sag the opposite), human migrations
Taurus only perceived\built long term beauty knowing they could live forever or that all is death some time but we can rebrith (scorpio the opposite), pyramid
- Natal and Synastry -- need help understanding
I have all 3 charts, my natal and her natal chart and the synastry chart in this link.
- Any of you a Venus in Sagittarius?
Do you find the traits of a Scorpio Sun/Moon, conflict with this placement?
- Users Who Deleted in January
In no particular order:
- Dolluxe
- they
- Frostbite
- Mrss_Pepperidge
- TrueFantasy
- ImTheRam
- Idgaf
- CanBull
- Sure
- A̷n̷d̷s̷ Hide
- Se7en
- Nemilicious
- DeadStool
- Caprilicious
some of the users mentioned above came back on a d
- Discerning motives
Specifically, a male's intentions, whilst dating or when there's romantic interest involved.. at least on one side.
Is there any way to get better at it? Cause I'm apparently shit at it and am tired of getting hurt :(
- Give him space or reach out?
Made a post a couple weeks ago about my Aries guy who professed his love for me after a few months and then once I committed to him (like it seemed he wanted me to) he then decided he didn't know what he wanted due to concerns over the back and forth begi
- Is Aquarius guy gone forever?
I've been with this guy for almost a year. Aquarius of course and I'm falling in love :( As everyone here at first was fantastic Texts, chats, and sex was amazing Some months in the FWB relationship we started to see eachothers becoming less and less. Mes
- How do Leo's handle breakups?
So, i broke up with my Leo ex about a week ago, mostly due to a lot of personal issues i am dealing with right now, my mind wasn't fully into the relationship. While we were together my Leo always praised me, saying i was his ideal woman and how no one el
- In need of advice- confused by a Taurus man
Hello, im 20 yrs old gemini woman with cancer as rising sign, the cancer being very strong in my personality it nearly overcome the gemini. Im actually experiencing a distant phase (as ive seen many name it like that on this forum) with a 24 yrs old tauru
- Saturn Return
It normally happens around your 30th birthday
Why is it such a big deal
Just curious, have any of you gone through it?
Did you even notice it?
If yes...What happened?
- Stupid married slut
...inspired by stupid men thread!
Imagine when you call all men stupid.
One of those is your father btw.
Calling women sluts and your mother is who!
Them one day name callers meet and fall in love and get married.
While they are saying their
- What happened when the transit Saturn conjucted your Part of Fortune?
- What Cancers will hoard based on their moon sign
A guide
- "Having doubts about our dynamic"...wth...
*sigh* I'm tired dating.
Met this Taurus guy (I'm a Leo) and we hit it off immediately-we have a lot in common. Initially I wasn't looking for anything at all. I just wanted to go out and go on a few dates (maybe) and just have fun. I didn't want anyth
- Difficult Subject! Would you leave your marriage even though your partners mum/dad was dying?
I have talked about my marriage problems on here more than once - But is different ways/different situations going on.
This is another situation. I have been unhappy in my marriage for about 5 years. Various different reasons. Mainly my husband being v