January 1, 2016
January 1, 2016 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 11.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 1
Topics Created On January 1, 2016
- Is it just me or all virgos?
Hi, I had the most amazing years 2012-2014 with my LDR ex. My first real love. But she dumped me by not contacting me. She knew how mad I was for her. According to her she loved me too & I know it. But she started going cold, so I went to see her to her
- Whats the hype behind all this new year ish?
Seriously and enjoy the fireworks and get togethers and all - but i dont get what people are celebrating. Whats there to celebrate about an upcoming year? Do people really think their lives are gonna change overnight making all these new yrs resolutions a
- 2016 Agenda?
What you guys got planned? Id like to do the following: 1. Finish another round of acting classes 2. Travel internationally solo 3. Spend more time with my mom 4. Get a promotion 5. Take either a bartending or cooking class 6. Learn american si
- Syzygy
Anyone born in a Syzygy?
- happy new year
So I wished him happy new year and he replied Happy New Year B....ummm good or bad?
- here's a question...
If a crab boy has "jokingly/casually" mentioned on several occasions (4 times and counting) that we should start dating, since we've only been hooking up, should I be taking him more seriously? Even though he said in the beginning that he didn't have feel
- How got deal with an angry cap moon guy?
Hi everyone. So my close friend is a sag sun, cap moon guy. He's been acting funny and I asked him what's wrong? He said he's facing lots of problems at work and uni. After 2 days I texted him to see if he's ok and he said I'm sorry but I can't talk now
- Happy New Year Fellow Crabs!
GF is driving. Here's to 2016 being better than last year. Salud!
- Went to this party and came back with a headache. The sponge syndrome.
Went to this amazing alcohol free ecstatic dance party, at the beginning I was feeling great, after midnight I quieted down, then after while threw myself in the dance floor again and started feeling dizzy and slightly headache. Thought I was hungry, so
- Miserable on New Years.Anyone else with me.
Spent eve with immediate family.. I have no friends left because I isolated myself due to money issues and ignored them. So I sent happy new year text and received no response.
- Thanks so I went to see the taurus and...
So I went to see the taurus I was talking about on here yesterday if you remember. We met online 3 days prior to him inviting me to his home. People here suggested that I go with the flow and so I did. Had a good evening. Lot of heavy petting and genui
- Are challenging aspects to my partners venus able to work?
Hi, I'm new to astrology and was just taking a look at me and my new partners synastry and his Venus squares a lot of my planets which is kind of a red flag to me. Can someone explain more to me about it. Here are the aspects: Venus Square Sun V
- sorry not so sorry
Fuck the cancer men! I don't understand them. Persuing you then you don't give them sex and all of a sudden they aren't interested. Ugh !!! Just needed to vent
- alone
I think I'm going to be alone forever. Never had a b/f , no man wants to start something with me I mean the men In desire only want sex, I'm still a virgin...I feel left out. I love God very much and maybe Its not for me to have someone but In desire it s
- ACE COMBAT 7!!!!!!
- Wandering Ghost Love Song
- Virgo Woman Cold Even Though She's Into Me
First of all, I can't even believe I'm posting on here, but I've been reading tons of posts on here trying to learn about this new Virgo girl I've been dating, so I figured maybe I can get some reassurance from my Virgos to make sure I don't mess this up
- Taurus girl in love with Scorpio Man who is afraid of commitment but can't stop talking
Quickly we went to high school together . He was the High School football player I was the Thespian ( Singer ). We never were in the same circles . We became friends on FB 5-6 years ago they high school group. 1.5 ago he made a post about the group KI
- Signs of an Aquarius liking u
1. What are some signs that an Aquarius man is beginning to like you more and/or is falling in love with u? 2. What are some signs that your good Aquarius male friend is begging to like you more than a friend VS just as a friend?
Hi, this is a bit of a story but please hang in there - I really need to know what the deal is. Im a taurus and I met a gemini guy three years ago now. We very quickly fell in love (him quicker than me) and we planned a baby 6 months months later. Whe
- Whats this mean for CANCER MALE?
If youre in a relationship and your cancer guy is mad at you to the point he is ignoring you but reads every message. Whats that mean? If I hated someone and cant stand them, than I wouldnt be reading any message from them. Can you just give some assump
- How do you find your rising moon and all that?
for someone born July 10 1987 I dont get that whole rising moon. Cancer leo rising saturn or whatever. May someone help?
- Likes/dislikes
Cancerians are full of contradictions, what makes y'all tick? Inquiring (many might I add) minds would like to know.
- Frustrating to be a Virgo sometimes!
Do any of my fellow Virgos find that your life is ruled by analyzing and overthinking every DAMN thing!?!? Also needing clearcut answers like yesterday lol? Please tell me that i'm not alone. I know I need to change, but it seems impossible to do.
- Cancer + Virgo Compability (Birthchart Reading)
Could anyone give me some insight if we are at all compatible from our Birthchart. Much appreciated! HIS: Sun 21°57' Virgo Moon 09°21' Libra Mercury 28°04' Virgo Venus 07°53' Leo Mars 02°56' Leo Jupiter 08°02' Capricorn Saturn 04°46' Ari
- My Daughter Is A Pisces
She hardly knows me but thinks I am the devil. :( So much for love, you know.