June 1, 2017
June 1, 2017 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 1
Topics Created On June 1, 2017
- How to know if a capricorn woman likes you?
I met this woman a couple months ago and i was talking to her about a camera that i wanted to create. she took interest in me and started to talk to me more, asking me about myself and my future and introducing me to people and pop up everywhere and know
- Question with my pisces GF...
Hello I am new here , nice to meet yall...
Well I have a question I'm a taurus & my gf is a pisces we've been friends for a while & now we are in a relationship ... I mean we slept together before we were in a relationship , in which I kinda hesitated
- Caps what's your favorite physical feature on someone else?
I really like eyes and nice stomachs. I'm a sucker for either. My scorps eyes are so amazing and intense. They're this brown green color. Absolutely bewitching. I melt so hard.
- Question for Fellow Aries
What is the zodiac sign that hurt you the most and zodiac sign that was there for you the most?
- Pisces men: do you think there’s any chance for me in the future?
Well, I have already written my story here before, I don’t want to bother you, but I would like to read your opinion.
I met a pisces man some months ago. I’m a cancer girl. At the beginning I was not sure about what I wanted from that relationship, but
- DXP Survivor 2017 Part 11
Coconut Count:
- Anyone with experience of Scorpio evolution??
I'm curious about the different stages of a Scorpio. I have been told there are 3 and then told there are 7.
I'm currently reading a very interesting article, which delves into one of the undeveloped stages, which self sabotages (mainly due to ego) thin
- Cold and dist
Aries female here
I started talking to this Gemini guy were pretty cool until 3 days afterwards he started being really cold and distant, he use to reply to my texts reaĺly fast now it will take him day or two or non at all. I don't know what I did to h
- What are your opinions?
Okay so I've kinda rekindle with this Taurus guy and well the other day we're texting and he's like "What are your thoughts on marriage"? I told him how I felt about it and Was like I could see myself marrying one day.
He agreed with me and was like I
- After 3 years Taurus man still apprehensive about where I stand.
Long story short, after 3 years, I said, "You and me, me and you, nobody else! If it's not enough, maybe we should cut ties"? He quickly replied, "Ya lets do that". Wtf? Can anyone enlighten me? The closest I got was 'he thinks so', and he's been thin
- Why did my scorpio ex comeback?????
My ex is a scorpio and we were together for 8 years.. We had so many communication issues and he seemed to be quite distant and emotionally unavailable in the last year. We weren't having sex neither :(... I knew we had money issues as I was making way mo
- How fast does a Leo woman move on?
Okay, so I obviously can't speak for all Leo women, because nobody is the same. But we all have very similar ways and styles of getting over people. Personally as a Leo woman if I feel the relationship is at a point of no return I stop trying. Then I star
- I want to sleep naked on my co workers porch.
Just cooked dinner with his dog. Lots 141am here.
- Realizing I have attachment issues...
I am 24, and I thought I was an open person, who didn't let her past effect new people in her life because they didn't give me the issues that I have. I guess this "wall" I have up is buried so deep that I disguise it to make it seem to everyone including
- men, are you really a stickler for your woman to be a certain way?
for example,
if you wanted to marry a skinny woman, she must remain skinny even when she reaches middle age and menopause (which incidentally, menopausal women will gain weight and cannot be skinny like a 20 something anymore)
Also, when she is in he
- What are the benefits of being conventionally attractive
And what are the benefits of being conventionally unattractive?
- Help us.
- We need another Dxp Wedding.....
Who is up for it?
....and anyone else i have missed ?
- Pisces man says he's falling for me and then...
So a few weeks ago this pisces guy said he was falling in love with me, 4 days later he flat out ignores me. he was really sweet and adorable and out of nowhere stopped talking to me.
i am a cancer girl and i know i'm very intense sometimes - maybe I
- Aquarius woman hating me all of a sudden
An aquarius woman was very close to me,she always said she loved hanging out and spending time with me and one day i proposed to her and all of sudden she starts ignoring me and when i talk to her she replies in a very rude manner an
- Ben Stiller
what happened??!! whyyyy!! O_O
she's a Leo sun/Scorpio moon Aquarius mars.
was she fed up or what?
i heard he has temper tantrums and always wants his way.
- How to love and cheer up Pisces from afar when stressed?
Yeb that's right.. I have just been supportive from afar.. give him his space.... words of encouragement... etc... any other tips?... in person I can deal with ( massages, food, sex) lol... but from afar, not so sure... if I don't do anthing at all, it mi
- Relationship Memorabilia?
How have you personally dealt with the leftover items that remind you of your ex? Do you keep the items, trinkets, love notes, etc after a relationship ends? Do you give everything back? Do you throw it away or burn it? What has been your experience with
- What happens when you see your ex with someone else?
I think most people have been here at some point. What happens when you see your ex with another guy? I know the obvious thing is to act cool and have a short conversation, but how do you do it mentally?
I saw an ex last night, and hadn’t seen her f
- Scorpio Moon - Self destructive mode
This can be applied to other placements too - I mentioned the scorpio moon because I think they will relate more to the feeling.
How do I relieve the tension, the jealously, the obsessive behavior, the extremes ups and downs?
Its killing me, for re
- Aqua sun Leo moon
Tell me about this man? ?
- What does this mean
- Can you help me interpret these charts?
1. 2
Leo. sun. Leo
Aries. moon. Aries
Leo. mercury. Cancer
Virgo. venus. Virgo
Cancer. Mars. Cap
- Can someone please help interpret?
1. 2
Leo. sun. Leo
Aries. moon. Aries
Leo. mercury. Cancer
Virgo. venus. Virgo
Cancer. Mars. Cap
- Please help me interpret
1. 2
Leo. sun. Leo
Aries. moon. Aries
Leo. mercury. Cancer
Virgo. venus. Virgo
Cancer. Mars. Cap
- Virgos and substance abuse.
I know 4 virgos very well. 2 females and 2 males. All are either in recovery or currently addicts/ alcoholics. Is this a coincidence or is it an issue this sign faces?
- Lesbian Taurus' help me out...
Just trying to get a feel of them. Likes, dislikes, personality, oddities, quirks, sweet stuff, etc.
I understand every individual is different but learning and hearing of others experiences never hurt.
Guess I'll give a little back story on why I
- How to stop thinking about a crush.
So i have already googled this and tried pretty much everything but nothing's working and i'm running out of patience here. cause tbh feelings are shit and i don't want them. period. so, any advice on how to get over a stupid crush would be greatly apprea
- if astrology is real then is greek mythology real?
the gods, they literally match up with each way the signs acts, how did they know? it's real then? there's greek gods in the sky
- Your color
If you were a color what would it be ?
Also feel free to give other DXPers a color
- does taurus mess up my aries
i have taurus mars but aries mercury, venus, and sun, so the mars says that i'm slow and afraid of change but the aries is quick so idk how taurus mars plays into my life if the rest of me is the opposite
- ask an aries
- How can I know if he's lying or manipulating me?
Hello Scorpios. Let me tell you my story.
I used to date a Scorpio man back in 2011 and he was constantly making up lies. For example, he would make plans to meet me and then not call me anymore. I would call his cell and he didn't answer. And then he wo
- @Crocodile
Why is it so that for a good few minutes after climax, some people have very slight and vague feeling of shame/guilt/disgust/embarrassment?
Why does lust suddenly seem as an enslaving activity, a permanent reminder that people are just urge driven bact
- Badass placement
What is your bet?
- Aquarius female needing some insight on Taurus female
Just trying to get a feel of them. Likes, dislikes, personality, oddities, quirks, sweet stuff, etc.
I understand every individual is different but learning and hearing of others experiences never hurt.
Guess I'll give a little back story on why I
- Cancer moon clashing with Sun sign
Cancer Moon Aqua Sun here.
I often find myself just feeling all jacked up lol. Anybody else with similar feelings?
My most major disconnect is how I feel vs how I act or my behavior. Like... I'm a bitc... unstable creature, but I really really do c
- Money are bad, good or doesn't matter?
Speaking of all these celebrities who are loaded I can't keep wondering if they are truly happy!
I think there plenty low key off radar people who are probably very happy.
But how about those on reality shows?
I guess we will never know until one d
- Cap/Aqua update - long and complicated
We had a big fight (for the reasons we hashed out below) and didn't make any contact for 6 weeks...until he sent me a text with the poster for a live show he was playing in a few days. Then on the night of the show another text saying that he thought I mi
- I really wish u2 didn't give us free tunes on iTunes.
It messes up my playlist and I get the weird song in my head "hold meeee closeeeee hold me closer than you haveeeeeeee" and then Repeats "hold me closeeee" hold me close yada yada
- So I've been seeing this cancer guy. We had love at first sight. Like fireworks.
And I feel really happy when I'm around him. Like walking on sunshine. He's really funny. And we have amazing sex. Like out of this world! I am very attracted to him. Can someone Compre our charts and tell me what you see?
Him - cancer sun
Sag moon
- How to chase a bull
How to chase a male teenage bull but make them think they are chasing you
- Sagittarius guys
So I met this Sag who has been great.
Flowers, dinner, holds my hand, so respectful, met his friends, call and texts me all the time, never ignores my messages or calls, picks me up at the end of the night when i got out on my own with girlfriends. Co
- ? Happy Birthday halalbae! ?
I hope you're having a halalbae time! :)
- Couple with the same Pluto in scorp in the 8th house?
I know this is a dark placement as i have read here,the woman im inlove with also have this placement,so what does this mean in a relationship?will it be really bad?i do know we both have a dark past especially me,any insight on this?thanks in advance
- Challenged an Aries now scared of what will happen
We dated for a year then he dumped me out of the blue, even tough everything was ok and we had a great relationship. I made sure he knew i was having fun /being independent of him... Because I knew that would trigger him...and it did. After a month he cam
- Scoripo moons, what are your favorite moon signs and other placements?
I know there's a thread going on about which moon signs are attracted to other moon signs, but I want to know specifically from Scorpio moons - What are your favorite placements in other people that you're attracted to? Least favorite placements? And in p
- Membering things
Sitting here and membering my past. It's like all the memories start flooding my frontal lobe at once! And all I can think of is my moms childhood pie she made me when I was a kidster! I miss being a kidster when all I had to worry about is if momma was g
- What happened to Diva can Leo?
Where you at @divacanleo?
- Here is the type of man/woman YOU are meant to love:
Seems quite correct for me-Virgo Mars :)
- Scorpio health sensitivity
If some idiot commented on your weight loss in one month - like a lot- saying 'dude if you dontngondrugs you have a cancer' - would that make you nervous? Even you just had a health check but not for cancer!
Would you be frikking out or just never min
- This Gypsy MADE me buy this book
So I'm at the flea market this past weekend and I come across this vagabond looking woman. She's cool as hell, majored in philosophy, teaches at an upscale University.. yada yada..
Then, she tells me I have to read this book.
- crush on scorpio girl :(
i am planning on telling this scorpio girl i like her and that i want to get to know her better
we barely know each other, i have her on fb and we've talked a couple of times
is this a good idea or what should i do?