March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 27
Topics Created On March 27, 2023
- the mindset of libra woman on cat ?
When a libra woman suggests "man is a cat". What is the mindset of libra women on cat ?
- Pluto in Aquarius
Any predictions from DXPers? How do you think this transit will affect the world we live in?
Here's a video I found on the subject:
But I want to know your own view on the matter.
- Why do Fat Men get shamed, but Fat Women get praised?
I said what I said. Men will agree
How many times are we going to pretend like all fat women are beautiful no matter how they look.... just for being fat. Meanwhile, these same fat bitches will shame a fat man in a second. And everyone will laugh and tel
- Fat Acceptance is Dumb and only for hypocritical Fat Bitches
I said what I said. I think most men will agree.
How many times are we going to pretend like all fat women are beautiful no matter how they look.... just for being fat. Meanwhile, these same fat bitches will shame a fat man in a second. And everyone will
- Site Needs Major Updating
I'm not sure what platform this Forum sits under, but it is definitely antiquated. I'm sure it would perform much better if it were on a system like Xenforo or vBulletin. Even a free software like phpBB would be better than this.
- Fat Acceptance is Dumb and only for hypocritical Fat Bitches
I said what I said. I think most men will agree.
How many times are we going to pretend like all fat women are beautiful no matter how they look.... just for being fat. Meanwhile, these same fat bitches will shame a fat man in a second. And everyone will