July 2, 2023
July 2, 2023 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 2
Topics Created On July 2, 2023
- Soulmates
I know it’s been talked about deep and wide, but let’s refresh the knowledge while I grace these boards with my lovely presence 😌
Do you guys believe there is THE ONE for us? And how would we know/recognize them?
- Age gap love
Ladies, what’s the biggest age gap (particularly the man being older) that you would be happy with? What makes a much older man attractive to you?
- I'm just going to put everything at stake with this woman, so please judge our placements.
I met someone, and it's been wonderful for a year. I'm head of heels for her. One problem is it's a long distance relationship, she lives in United States, I live in Europe, we have visited each other already a lot.
We're born in same year. I'm Scorpio w
- I'm just going to put everything at stake with this woman, so please judge our placements.
Earlier I have been lucky to met someone. It's been wonderful for a year. I'm head of heels for her. A problem, it's a long distance relationship. And a big one indeed, because she lives in United States while I live in Europe. So far, we have visited eac
- I'm just going to put everything at stake with this woman, so please judge our placements.
Earlier I have been lucky to met someone. It's been wonderful for a year. I'm head of heels for her. A problem, it's a long distance relationship. And a big one indeed, because she lives in United States while I live in Europe. So far, we have visited eac
- I'm just going to put everything at stake with this woman, so please judge our placements.
Earlier I have been lucky to met someone. It's been wonderful for a year. I'm head of heels for her. A problem, it's a long distance relationship. And a big one indeed, because she lives in United States while I live in Europe. So far, we have visited eac