September 1, 2015
September 1, 2015 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 1
Topics Created On September 1, 2015
- Probably the MOST emo time in my LIFE!! Arrrghhh
OMG, life is changing too quickly. I just need to spill some anxious energy here. I just found out last week that I ha
- rams
Ever feel like isolating yourself from everything and everyone? Often times I feel as though no one understands rams ex
- whats our best match lambily?
You know I've noticed, despite birth chart influence certain signs bring out the best in us. There are other facets of
- Connection
What does scorpio male mean by "we have a connection?"
- Pisces moons desire to be with someone
This is what it looks like: Gem sun: so what do you want right now Me the aqua: a j and a burrito Gem: haha your funn
- Anyone care to comment? Composite Chart.
Just trying to figure out why it's a dead end. I can post synastry as well if needed. Can't seem to post the image
- College
hey yall im a senior in high school and im preparing to go to college but tbh i have shitty grades (above 3.0 but imo sh
- What difference do you notice between a libra and
a libra scorpio cusp ? talking about your expriences not how we are described by astrologers
- Layna! You left your panties...
wherever you're celebrating since... IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! HAPPY B-DAY, LAYNA! :D :D :D :D
- Opposite
What drives aquas to act opposite to their feelings? My guy and I had a talk the other day and I told him "I believe act
- Immaturely winning!
Update, *Tarzan voice* Me Libra, him Aqua. We happy! :-D I have been battered on here, especially by... You know who
- Pisces that hates other pisces
Seriously, I'm a Pisces and I honestly can't stand any of you like any of the other zodiacs. Self-pity, Being stuck in t
- those people who date til some one better comes
ALright, I haven't interacted with my fellow fire mars often in my life, I've noticed the people I am close to have wate
- Going to movies with Virgos
I tried, I was so patient, but I had to walk out mid-movie. Twice. And go watch something violent and dark.
- Virgo chick crushing on my fish...
You may or may not have seen my previous thread - about a nice fish I met and felt like I was getting vibes from. An
- Bad Bosses
Can some of my fellow Pisces tell me how they dealt with bad bosses, evil spirit bosses, petty contagious bosses? You k
- Any Caps ever have a Pisces boss?
We just got a new manager that is a pisces and wondering if any of you caps have ever worked for a pisces before. This w
- X-Ray abilities
I'm an Aquarius with a Virgo moo and Sag rising. Does that mean I can be intuitive and see through people's motives and
- Signs to know Gemini is Serious about you?
I want to know what are the signs that Gemini is Serious about you? Do they touch you often? become clingy? sweet? li
- Cap Man & Aquarius Gal
Hello - So I've been getting mixed signals from a guy I've been dating for a couple months now. Prior to this we were te
- curious to know
How how do I know if a Taurus guy has a Venus in Aries or Gemini....plz respond....not to fond of astrology
- So have any of you....
.... ever been with anyone younger or older than you? If so, which signs and what was the age difference? Would love if
- Scorps, have any of you
... ever been with someone older/ younger than you? And I mean like, significantly older/younger as in 3-5 years? Wh
- Virgo moon and communication
Especially when it comes to communicating emotions. Why is every conversation so dry and so substance and I feel like I
- Cap Sun Vir Moon
Is this the coldest most aloof and unemotional person? With Merc in Aqua?
- Why dxp is black & white?
It looks so boring.
- Are dxp member too sensitive?
It seems the slightest negative comment and people get on their high horse. I don't cry why they say Cancers are whiny,
- Opinions on jealousy and insecurity?
Sun Square Pluto 1.36 -107 Mercury Conjunction Sun 1.50 327 Mercury Conjunction Mercury 0.26 102 Venus Conjunction Ve
- come 1 come all, Scorp men!
Scorpion men, I'm having a thread open that has raised to me a few possible concerns in discussion right now :/ I seek
- sodomy is a crime
and that was never fixed on the books before gay marriage was legalized. So, now every married gay person could legally
- Is she flirting with me
Im a pisces male and i was at a class thing and this leo woman was there... for the first three days she didnt say much
- Whats with all the sodomy topics? When i said dxp
Members are too sensitive, that's not what i meant....
- need my fellow aquas to slap me a vote on this
I've been thinking a lot about long term, I've been foolish most of my life and dated and loved people in the wrong ways
- JCole is an Aquarius male.
Need I say more?
- Gemini Midheaven?
tf does this mean?.
- What are your parents signs?
Do you get along with them? I asked my Aquarius mother today what she thought about me and she said she didn't like
- not myself
Has any leo felt like this before? The other day I felt sooo empty inside. I've been through a break about 9 months just