June 1, 2015
June 1, 2015 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 1
Topics Created On June 1, 2015
- for all those scorpios out there feeling blue
Everything will be allright... You know we have to fight for what we want, but also remember we always get what we want
- Summer attire, women
This is the good time of year the women are out and about in shorts T shirts and sandals some women wear the dreaded Bir
- Can't tell if my Scorpio woman is interested
I'm a Leo / Virgo cusp, male, 39 years old, born August 24. I own a prominent local business, and have a well-respected
- Venus in Scorpio woman and head games
13 days ago, I wrote a love letter to a religious Venus in Scorpio telling her about how I dreamt about her before we me
- My psyche in Scorpio !!!!
So, this explains why I sometimes think like one and very in tuned with people's emotions. How do I relate to a scorpio
- Rejected a Leo Woman.
She told me she liked me and waned to see where this goes with us but I rejected her. She knows I like her, I'm just con
- Need some advice about my Scorpio Girlfriend
Hey everyone I'm starting to really worry about my girlfriend (who is a Scorpio). It's fairly obvious that she's depress
- Marijuana smoking
I've been smoking a bit too much and I feel like I almost completely destroyed myself. Seriously it feels like I'm lost,
- Please Restore My Faith
Hi Virgos, So recently it has come to my attention that many virgos I know and that people I know, know are cheaters
- Famous DISAPPEARANCE Act of Geminis..
I know and I have seen many posts in this thread about Gemini guy disappears after few dates or after having good sex. S
- New Website with single purpose
Hi Guys! I have created a new website: currentzodiacsign.com . It just tells you the current astrological sign we're in.
- I'm in this forum way too much
Ugh already having problems with this guy. We met up Thursday in the car he asks how's Mike? Do you guys still talk? M
- how do cancer deal waves of emotion?
I've read in many threads that you guys sometimes or most of the times have to deal with strong waves of emotions... how
- Sometimes I wish I was virgo
So effortlessly angelic looking. And calm. It's something I always wanted to achieve. That's all I gotta say lol!
- Searching for my calling
I think I need some direction Here's my chart http://www.astro.com/cgi/showgif.cgi?lang=e&gif=astro_2gw_01_eunsoo_h
- Uranus dominant lets investigate
I wonder if someone here also have uranus dominant or atleast a strong placement (I was inspired by Venus dominant topic
- How to read what my ruling planet is?
So basically i am not sure if I got it right but I think that my ruling planet is Venus.. http://www.astro.com/tmpd/c
- cancers
- beautifuldiaster
...did you play mad-scientist? Every time, I see HoneyDip post, I think it's you until I read her post. Did you clone
- R.I.P. Elle (from DXP)
Your account's corpse has been stolen and being danced around by your haters. Fans allies and minions are welcome to us
- Taurus Man Rejected Leo Woman
Hey guys I originally posted this on the Leo forum but I think I could get better advice from my fellow Tauruses. I'm
- Aries Man and Public Flattery
I am currently getting to know an Aries man. He is going through a really stressful situation with work, but he has rema
- Leo's Great Dad's???
Lions love their kids and have pride in them. https://youtu.be/BF7i3YNTwR8
- Can a Scorpio go after a man her friend like(d)
So there's a Scorpio girl, she is pretty attractive and CRAZY but I don't know why I am SOOOOO attracted to her. I want
I have never been with a Taurus so I was worried at first, we met online, things are going great been together over two
- What should I do to surprise a cancer woman
Do tell.