July 1, 2015
July 1, 2015 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 1
Topics Created On July 1, 2015
- When I watch Real Housewives
of any city.. I am reminded why I don't really care to have that many female friends. I cringe at catty female banter.
- what is he feeling??
- 3 day Novena to the Blessed Virgin
PRAYER OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother
- Cows :-)
Back Story: Long before I knew my TM was a Taurus we had this funny conversation about cows. He wanted his SO to go int
- Dealing with her hot and coldness?
I am struggling to work her out. At first she was crazy chasing me. I pulled back as I was not looking for anything at t
- Virgo man issues
I've been seeing this guy for a few weeks now. It got very serious, very fast. We have been inseparable since we met, an
- Need some help, here please!
Could someone please explain to me how dominant each of these planets and degrees are to my personality, and what each p
- Pisces cold personality
I just can't figure pisces out... There's this girl I like a pisces... we would've been together in college if I only h
- Has anybody else been stared at by a Scorpio(s)?
Two that I know of so far. I've caught both staring. The girl stared for a minute and then just told me I was pretty ( I
- Why does he keep staring at me?
I'm an Aries and I've encountered two Scorpios (as far as I know and so far) giving me the stare. One was a girl and the
- Pisces to Pisces Relationship
Hey Folks. I am a Pisces female, but have never dated a pisces. I feel as though only another pisces will ever be able t
- Today is Venus/Jupiter Conjunction + Full moon
Anything special happen for any crabs? been pretty slow so far for me... lol
- Swimming Toward the Darkness
Hey Folks, I am looking for advice. I am a pisces female married to a Gemini sun with a Cancer rising and moon. We have
- In lust with a Leo
Hi guys, I really need advice especially from Leo guys. I was involved with a Leo man for about 3 mos. it was instan
- Obsessive thinking
Another thread sparked this question for me. I know we've all had it happen before. When that one person we were dating,
- Aqua guy Leo girl
hi been dating Aqua guy long distance for 3 years he's younger than me. I discovered he's been exchanging lovey dovey me
- Gemini
Am I the only taurus that have issues with getting along with geminis long term? They say scorpions are manipulative and
- Aqua man with Venus and moon in Cap
How do you understand or deal with this kind of man? Aqua man is already aloof and distant plus combined that with cap,