August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On August 1
Topics Created On August 1, 2020
- Need Site help again
Couldn’t see it anywhere here, or I’m lazy and only half looked 🙃
So how do I post a picture from my albums on a post or a picture from online please.
Thanks in advance :)
- Can anyone help me understand this.
Does this mean that I am more Leo than libra? Only just learning about astrology and never felt I was completely libra although I do have a few traits. Always thought it was the Taurus rising that was a the dominating influence.
- Mix Signals
I met a nice pisces girl in early June online. We chatted non stop all day and night for a few weeks. I know her for close to 2 months. There is distance between us but this is cool for both of us at the moment. She then began an MBA program and things h
- Female Virgo confuses me?
So my ex has me confused because first she says we’re better off as friends but goes on saying she loves me and I’m her everything and that I make her so incredibly happy. What is up with her ? Are all virgos so indecisive and selfish ?
- Aries ♈️ and Taurus ♉️ Ride of life
So, I have literally be on and off with this Aries guy and I am Taurus 🌞 Virgo moon 🌙 and Venus Aries with Pisces Rising. I love this man no matter where I am in life. It’s like no matter how hard we try to be together one of us had a kid or seeing someon
- Mostly Men from which Zodiac sign are mama's boy's??
Some guys are so close to their mom's and are ready to put relationships at risk for their mom's.. I think Pisces and Aries men are mama's boy's what do you think??
- Leo Male Help
hey, trying to keep this short but want to give the full pic!
Met a leo guy online 11months out of a relationship which ive now found out could have been quite emotionally hard (for him) of 12yrs. He was like a steam train with the effection, calling, ex
- talking with your hands
I've noticed whenever I am telling someone a story or contributing to conversation eyes wander to my hands. I am by no means a hand model but I wonder why this happens? I don't have nails painted and they're not chewed or bleeding. Does anyone else talk w
- 100% Leo here - so what is the deal?
So I seem to most interested in woman that play hard to get. However, I seem to never give up long after the flame is gone. The easy woman get boring to me very often. I am chasing a woman that is probably thinking this guy is not for me. I have learned t