April 1, 2020
April 1, 2020 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On April 1, 2020
- A question to some of you Magnetic Aquarians
Where do Aqua women stand on infidelity? Cheating. Female friends. Flirtatiousness with female friends. I'm asking for research purposes. Am I even allowed to have female friends? I feel like I've really turned her on with just my mind alone now so now sh
- who do you attract
i attract musicians, pretentious philosophers, druggies and manwhoors
virgo venus 11th house
- All the good women are taken.
I literally can't find women my age (mid-thirties), who are single (with no kids), attractive & sane and when I thought of it, the past few that i dated are all in their early 20's and I don't think I'm okay with that. Those relationships are just a l
- Help me pick out baby things ๐ผ ๐ถ๐ป ๐ง๐ป ๐
We donโt know if weโre having a boy or girl until tomorrow (lord willing the baby wants to show us).
The Virgo actually has much more expensive taste than I do. The guy was literally picking out wallpaper for one small feature wall that cost $1300....be
- My Aries girl is ignoring my calls
I'm with this Aries girl, coincidentally, today 1st April is her birthday. We've been together for 3 months now. She's a student, who stayed around my area before she had issues with her aunt and moved to her school area, about 30mins drive from where I s
- How can you tell..
if men/women from different sun signs are attracted to /like you?
This is a Sun in Cancer-specific question but others are welcomed, too.
- Taurus man Best friends behaviour
So my question is how does taurus man's Best friend behave with taurus' crush...its like i have heard that taurus man doesnt like anyone who talks with their crush...so if his best friend does this...does that mean the taurus is done crushing over that g
- Virgo Females Only, Please Answer This Question
I read this reply from a virgo female to a post from someone ten years ago with interest:
I will have more time to elaborate later, but essentially, we're completely "backward" from the norm in that: around men we like only as friends, we are our casual,
- Mutable Signs
Why always dangerous?
- Mars quintile Venus synastry means?
How it works?
- Mars quintile Venus synastry means?
How it works?
- Danger Noodles