June 1, 2020
June 1, 2020 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 11.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 1
Topics Created On June 1, 2020
- Ghosting from an aquarius man
i used to date an aquarius man who was ten years older then me. When i first met him, i wasn’t really interested because i was affected by the age difference. He was hurt at first, i think he felt rejected. I couldn’t understand what an 20 years old
- prominence of saturn/pluto aspects
discovered something extremely interesting here recently,
while studying some transits i noticed there occured a conjunction between saturn and pluto
when these planets interact it usually symbolizes tyranny, corruption, abuse of power.
i know this is a
- Is this classed as losing his trust?
I kept accusing him of cheating on me (due to my own insecurities from a past relationship) the accusations became too much for him he just broke up with me and left.
Now I feel like he doesn’t trust me because I was doing too much. We stopped talking fo
- Scorpio guy at work is confusing me
So a few months ago a new guy, Scorpio, started at work, and I can’t figure out what’s going on. He spends every lunch break with me, always hangs around my desk, we go for coffees a lot. It’s very full on and almost disruptive but I do like him, I just w
- My favourite placements in Capricorn Man
So I'm getting to know this Capricorn man and so far I LOVE this connection. I would definitely want to be in a relationship with someone with his placements.
I've been trying to make it work out with a Capricorn man before when he pursued me, He was swe
- Riots and Policy Change
Riots are destructive, dangerous, and scary — but can lead to serious social reforms.
"Historians and experts argue that these types of riots aren't random acts of violence or people taking advant
- Do all women deserve good dick?
- creepy synastry
what astro vibe are you getting from this?
coz i sometimes get this vibe from someone
but sadly, nobody else but me seems to notice this person following me around
what's the creepiest synastry you've ever e
- Do y’all think the US will ever change?
Considering our nation has a history of civil right protests, and considering the state our nation is in today, I’m not optimistic these protests/riots will have the results we’ve been seeking since the birth of our nation.
I think the way police are tra
- Do all men deserve good pussy?
Do they? Discuss
- Do all kids deserve good grades?
Well, do they? Discuss :P