April 5, 2023
April 5, 2023 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 5
Topics Created On April 5, 2023
- Geminis and eyeglasses
Any other Geminis here with fucked up vision wear eyeglasses? And while we at it post your favorite eyewear design.
- Dreams of People Past On
I lost my best friend a year or so ago in a car crash. Since she’s been gone from this earth I have only dreamed of her in passing moments that are not significant.
I’ve dreamt of her and I at a party and we both see one another from across a room and w
Let's be real here. Taylor Swift, Megan Good, Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez, Kylie Jenner, etc... ALL LEO WOMEN. NONE OF THEM CAN KEEP A MAN. Every leo woman I know in my life is single/divorced/baby mama. And they're cheaters, most of them. The type of wo
- The L Word
If someone tells you they love you for the first time via text but never says it again in person, does it count?
- Cappy Women are Mean and Evil Cunts
I said what I said.
I have yet to meet a decent Capricorn women. Just like Leo women, they can barely keep a man. They are mean, unjustifiably mean, and unlovable creatures. Some of them present as decent women, but their true colors come out very quick
- Gemini Women are Goofy Whores
They become teenagers and get into their slut phase, but hey never get out of it. I know a ton who are in their 40s/50s and are still running the streets and sleeping around like young girls.
Besides being the flakiest and most fake sign of the zo
- I told Taurus Man Not To Speak To Me Again...
Long story short, he's been slow fading for months. I brought it up to him a few times, and he assured me nothing had changed. Still, the communication was off/ nonexistent. I finally got fed up and I sent him some angry texts. I told him things have bee