April 14, 2023
April 14, 2023 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 14
Topics Created On April 14, 2023
- What type of Male are you?
Ok this is like the brigger Myers test but this one goes a little far out there. For the guys of course. Ladies I suppose can take this test to see what type of female they are. For some strange reason I don't want to believe I fall under the sigma male c
- Cautious Leo Woman
Been dealing with a Leo, she's 32 w/ no kids. I don't have her chart info, she spilled everything but her birthday 🤣
She started out pretty strong.. heavy initiating texts and very excited. We met at an arcade and unfortunately the service and food was t
- Cautious Leo Woman
Been dealing with a Leo, she's 32 w/ no kids. I don't have her chart info, she spilled everything but her birthday 🤣
She started out pretty strong.. heavy initiating texts and very excited. We met at an arcade and unfortunately the service and food was t
- What kills a relationship?
- What kills a relationship?
- Women’s rights
What do you guys think? Are women better off than before or worse off?
What is the most important thing for women’s rights, in your opinion?
@DK please chime in how are women’s rights in Scandinavia. I think that’s like a role model for the whole world.
- What animal
do you believe might be connected with a specific zodiac sign?
idk when i've started to notice this but virgo= pink flamingo
bugsy siegel (mobster) named a casino after his gf virginia hill who was a virgo (nicknamed 'flamingo'). and lisa vanderpump fro