April 20, 2023
April 20, 2023 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 20
Topics Created On April 20, 2023
- Best Adaptive Noise Cancelling Earbuds/Earphones 2023
Our surroundings are getting more and more chaotic day by day. Keeping yourself concentrated in such a situation would be a great deal of hustle. Whether you are a professional worker or need to cut yourself from these hurry-scurry situations to manifest,
- Women can be just as bad as men: faking wanting a relationship to have sex with you.
Ok so I didn’t know exactly where to post this..i thought about the man cave but I doubt most cisgender straight men would be able to relate…but if you are and can please feel free to reply.lol
Ok so we all know that many men are capable and have faked
- Patterns in rejecting women
Has anyone notice the more insecure a woman is the more brutal she can be after she feels like you’ve rejected her?
The last three women who mind you only at most wanted me for sex and not really dating
I noticed all went on the offensive /attack mode af
- Cancer energies
do you notice cancer energies like sun, moon etc seem to always attract narcissists? like not just 'friends' but also stalkers? and they even face competition from supposed 'lovers' or significant others? like a romantic partner freakin competing with yo
- Cancer man made a fake profile to follow me
After telling me he’s moving on he made a fake profile to follow me after I blocked him on all socials. I miss him every day. I’m trying my best not to think about him. Do you cancers do things like this sometimes? After making a permanent decision to mov