December 23, 2015
December 23, 2015 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On December 23, 2015
- Acid Reflux
Is there any of you with this problem? If so, you know it's a pain in the throat. To the literal sense. It affects my entire digestive system in some way. Taken Omeprazole for years. Try sleeping with a bed wedge. Eat healthy and avoid acidic foods
- Gotham
I am enjoying this show. Watch it on tv or netflix. I love batman series and some of the DC series. Now a series of episodes based on batman. This shit is awesome.
- Which two signs makes the prettiest babies?
- Which two signs makes the best memories together?
- Which two signs makes the best marriages?
- Which two signs are most likely to be twinflames
- Which two signs are more likely to dream about each other?
- Which two signs are more likely to be Romeo and Juliets?
- Advice on how to approach this aqua guy the right way
Hi, so this aquarius has been on and off in contact with me over a year. Lately he's been coming on strong again, I tried to forget abt him a year ago when i thought he was just looking for a moment of fun, and I kinda did, but not completely. So h
- Which two signs are more likely to run the world together?
- Which two signs will wait the longest for each other?
- Current Transits..
How are you all doing? I personally just had a pretty intense last two months and I feel like its coming to a head as of the last few days. I know the full moon is soon... so there's that. My issues are surrounding family, specifically my mom and how s
- Don't get Gemini's
I am a scorpio i am involved with a gemini man on and off he seduced me ever since we met even when i was engaged he is still persued me i have known him for 10yrs on and off now everytime he get's close to me he takes off ignores my messages, is rude to
- emotional
Is it just me or are there any Geminis here that have been feeling so damn emotional lately? I have been crying, smiling and crying again all in one day. Last month was the same...I don't know what's happening.
- Star Wars - Episode numbering
- Help or Hinder: Virgo Moon?
I'm mostly curious about how this Moon pairs with Water sun people. Ive mentioned before that I actually like my Moon (and I do!), but when it comes down to expressing my emotions I feel like my Moon prevents me from having an honest relationship with my
- Unaffected Affection
*tucks legs in and hugs pillow on couch* Ladies, I'm discovering the difference between signs of lust and signs of affection. I'd like to take a moment to focus on affection. One of my most favorite things is when he hides his face in my neck. His head
- User's ,Liers,cheaters
don't ever want to be with a gemini man again he played with my mind and heart did another disappearing act on so bad heartless as soon as they find someone better they replace you just like now i know what he is like he wont get another chance from me
- Your Favorite Song Released in 2015
Mine is "Cheerleader" by Omi. I love it! What's yours? :)
- I'm actually a Water Monkey
I keep on reading the descriptions for "Fire Rabbit" but nothing seems to ring true to me so I looked at my day animal, which is Water Monkey, and I read the descriptions... and wow, it fits me to a tee! That means, I am going to delete maybe next week
- Your Conspiracy Theories on Why the Miss Universe Host Made a Big Mistake
- Sagittarius and Gemini Moons
I've read articles about how Sag and Gem are one of the few pairs of opposite signs that actually have a lot in common and would do very well together. But those articles were about sun signs. Would y'all agree that's the same for moon signs? How well
- Cancer moon
Can you tell me more about cancer moon in 7th house?
- topics too close together - layout
Good Morning, The topics are too close together for my eyes to really separate them. Its like theyre all run on sentences. Side note, I love that the header bar doesnt move :)
- cancer scorpio
What has been your experience i never really dated one but ive heard stories and i must say if they act like what i hear i dont think we would work out. Im kind of scared to date one a scorpio that is...scorpios how do you feel about cancers
- Christmas message
Should I sent my Cancer crush a Merry Christmas Text? Would they like it? We have been intimate and going out. Thanks
- Merry Christmas everyone!
- Notifications
Mine isn't working!!! I get a notice and when I tap it, it doesn't show up. Anyone else have this problem?
- Where to Look for Income Potential
Good tips on where to start. Remember to check on the conditions of the planets, aspects, etc..
- thoughts on "critical degrees"/signs at 0 or 29 degrees.. feeling conflicted?
so I have a few critical degrees in my chart.. my mercury in 0 degrees cancer, and my venus in 0 degrees virgo.. I feel like I'm more of a gemini mercury and a leo venus at times, however I'm super sensitive and very picky/critical when it comes to love l
- Scorpio B and Aquarius B
Anyone experience this relationship before? Does this ring true for you?  relationship between Aquarius B and Scorpio B  The Eternal Flame  Best at : Marriage Worst at : Work The great temperamental differences between these two personal
- Aries child.
Help me deal with my 8 years old Aries girl. She drives me nuts sometimes...
- Aquarius males experience
I'm working with a lot of air people. One I highly don't get a good feeling about is an Aquarius male. Naturally, I am very suspicious of people who are overly charming. He is good at getting what he wants with his words as an aqua. I am the only on
- The Letter "M" on your palm
Does anyone elee have this? Any truth to this article?
- What are you guys eating Christmaseve/day ?
Anything good? I'm making shrimp and scallops scampi style with chopped tomatoes and a little bit of cream for Christmas eve and Christmas day I'm making manicotti baked with mozzarella and a meatsauce with meatballs, sausage and spare ribs, than veal
Gemini man with moon in aries, venus in cancer, mars in aries, jupiter in cancer how compatible with: Gemini woman, with moon in gemini, mars in gemini and jupiter in leo?
- Scorpio and Aquarius parents
I think that combination would be amusing to witness. They're both weird af. What kind of parents do you think they'd be? Scorpio dad/Aquarius mom Aquarius dad/Scorpio mom