May 1, 2016
May 1, 2016 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 1
Topics Created On May 1, 2016
- Drug use
Which sign do you see use drugs or become dependent on drugs/alcohol?
- Dated your "worst match"?
Good evening gentlemen and of course the lovely beautiful and feisty ladies of dxp. Hope you are all having/had a wonderful day. I wanted to ask, have any of you tried to date a sign that was considered your "worst match"? If so, how did it go?
- Inclined toward music industry
Here's a sample chart of when i was born, i was wondering if any experienced astrologers could do a reading if its inclined toward success in the music industry.
- If you could pick your Rising Sign, what would it be?
For me, I'd probably pick a Gemini or Sagittarius rising. Gemini rising can kind of create any personality they want, and make for great communicators. Sagittarius Rising is go lucky and driven, which makes for a great rising to have. Both of these Ris
- British family brutalized in thailand (video)
video cliff notes: at :15 the white son (40 years old dressed in black) hits some Thai dude walking by him. The thai dude turns around and pushes him. White Dude hits his head after tripping from the push :50 The white mom turns around and slaps the t
I effing hate taking care of drunks. Neff said
- Favorite or most interesting astrological house?
I go back and forth between the 1st and 8th house. The 1st house is interesting because of the self-projection and the "mask" that we wear can all be determined by this house. And then the 8th house is dark and mysterious.
- Pisces and Romantic Interest
There's this Pisces who has been on my mind lately. We met a few years ago, and are still friends on FB. He used to be in one of the classes I took and is friends with a few of my friends. I don't go to the college any more, but he still does. One day
- What is your interpretation of this?
Good match? Or Bad match? Solely on the signs. Me: Sun- Leo Moon- Cancer Venus- Cancer Mercury-Cancer Mars- Leo Him: Sun- Aquarius Moon- Libra Venus- Capricorn Mercury- Pisces Mars- Aries
- Thoughts on this drama at work tonight?
I kind of would like an unbiased opinion. So I work at hooters and I know I kind of applied to deal catty coworkers... I'm usually not the type to entertain passive aggressive behavior or even really acknowledge it. Anyways, tonight, there was a gir
- What the hell?
So I had to make a post on this because it's actually worrying. There's this abusive gemini guy on a dating site that I use who is completely fucked in the head. He will periodically message me something really abusive and disgusting and then block me. It
- Mars in Capricorn: How do you approach women? Your flirting style?
Also mention your Sun pls.
- About Sun pisces, Moon Aquarius and rising in Virgo
My date is 25 February 1998. It seems that no matter what time im putting in the moon calculator it is still Aquarius moon. But at rising sign it has to be more accurate. That is why i asked my mom at what time i was born. She told me she doesn't exactly
- Pluto conjunct Venus transit
This would explain a lot of what has been (and will be) going on in my love life. Has anyone had this (once-in-a-lifetime I hear) transit? Can you share your experience?
- Advice on closure with an aries male
Long story short: Aries ex of 2 years and I broke up. For the last 6 months it just wasn't good. We argued, he kept cheating, etc. I ended it first and he acted so erratic sending me texts a day later because I didn't reply to a "whats up?" message saying
- Coming out of an emotional fog
- Elements of moon/Mars/Venus and love language
If someone has all 3 in water, or air or whatever, do you think it makes it easier to display love? Or if any combo of those planets mixed with a compatible element (e. Like Libra moon, mars and Sag Venus) would be easier? Does i make sense? An
- Hair Wash
Ladies! How long have you gone without washing your hair?
- the guy's profession.
I just got this thought about men and the kind of JOB/Career they have. hey ladies, if your man is a truck driver, or postman, or delivery boy are you ok with it?? what kind of career/job do you want your man in??
- Scorpio Man and Libra Woman
Hi , I need help or suggestion . Please help me . I am new to this forum . I don't know much about astrology . My scorpio man DOB (11-12-1980), ME Libra (10-05-1984) I am a libra ( Married ) . I fell in love with a scorpio when I was staying away f
- Fellow Venus in Virgos
Such a tough placement for me What Venus signs do you attract? I tend to have a lot of Venus in Gemini friends/exs. I don't really care for their mentality though.
- Compatbility between Zodiac Signs
Libra Woman/ Scorpio Man ( DOb Lib -10-05 , DOb Sco 11-12) Scorpio Man - Leo Woman (DOb Sco 11-12 , DOb Leo 7-25) Libra Woman - Gemini Man ( DOb Lib -10-05 , DOb Gem 06-12) How compatible these signs are if together as couple ? In these three combina
- Extremely confused by cap guy
Hi all. Some advice needed. So I had some work doing on my house a while back. Plastering. The guy who did it was instantly hitting on me, asking me questions the whole weekend, asking me what type of guy I go for. He said things like we would make a gre
- Weird Scorpio male
If a Scorpio male broke it off with you because he needed space because he's not ready for commitment, but wants to keep in contact and says he has feelings for me and thinks I'm a great person (he has done this once in the past and came back after an alm
- my ex husband
Him and I. In past weeks were working together on patching things but wen I wouldn't move in he over night just turned cold heartless and ex---last night I had this dream of him and a blond girl and me in some house I guess me n him lived and I be leave h
- can you help me understand
Can someone help interpret my chart. I was t to understand why I keep attracting men that don't want me seriously. SunGemini3°50'  Ascendant Taurus20°10' Moon Leo3°17'   IIGemini15°52'MercuryTaurus18°37'  IIICancer2°59'VenusAries19°39' Â
- Libra Man Confusion/Delusion?
I am a Gemini woman whom was in an on/off relationship with a libra man for 4 years. We had a naturally easy going relationship, a lot of romance, chemistry and what felt like a real connection. He ended the relationship a year ago after a huge argument
- How to break up with a scorpio man and still be normal
I want to know , how to break up with a scorpio man ( who always says I love you and miss you and wants you for ever until I die , but still ignores the call and texts as if he is always busy ). and have a normal life after that. When in a relationship fo