July 1, 2016
July 1, 2016 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 1
Topics Created On July 1, 2016
- Internship with a Leo boss
I started an internship earlier this month. The attorney I intern for is a Leo. July 30th. This is the first Leo (from my knowledge) I've been in close contact with. I'm sure her professional side is different from her social side but at work she seem
- Dear Leos,
I just wanted to say I love y'all!
- Is it true....
Is it true that the more you get closer with the cappy man, the more you become distant? And why is that?
- Can someone interpret this Natal Chart?
- Any new trends in weddings?
Has anyone been to a wedding recently?
I'm curious to what new trends are popular as well as some fresh ideas.
What's in?
What's out?
What kind of food was served?
We're doing an autumn/fall theme and want a simple, inexpensive, but e
- The love of the chase
Hey Sag's.. Question.
Does the person you usually crave, make you chase them? Or do you run into the whole "it seems like you're chasing someone" type of relationships.. lol. Like people are trying to fight their attraction to you?
- I don't like my descendant...
I mean, it's just a terrible match in my opinion. My descendant is Capricorn, and descendant predicts romance, right? But I was reading a thing about cap partners... I'm not that ambitious in terms of business, as long as it's fun and comfortable and ethi
- Fire sign men!!!! Why do you love causing pain?!!
Why do you take it for granted as soon as someone shows you they care and then toy with their emotions?? Come and go as you please but as soon as someone gets fed up with your shit then you come back like "oh man I got you so worked up..." Baby calm down
- I'm a skeptic who wants to know what you think about my chart!
So I give you my chart. What does all of this circle and lines and shit mean? In case you don't like the image or whatever, and need my birthday info, I was born at 6:55AM on August 7, 1997. My friend (who also uses this site) made a natal chart for me (s
- What can thismean?
We have almost the same house placement with the exception of 12th house. All other houses are the same. Anybody had have an experience with this? No luck searching the net.
- Male
- The Birth of a Cancer
So, in twelve days is my cancer co-worker's birthday. He's cantankerous, he sarcastic, he's honest, and he's a good person. He's the kind of guy that has something to complain about every single time you see him. He's a misanthrope, but he has a cat he lo
- Scorpio women love to lie
What is with you Scorpio women that love to lie you can do it right to somebodies face? I've caught the Scorpio women I've work and worked with lying the first Scorpio was really bad she hated it when I confronted her about not telling the truth. The seco
- Leo man and disrespect
So my Leo man and I had a fight where he called me babe twice and I replied "what " in a kinda harsh tone although I didn't mean anything. Few minutes later he came into the room so **** and angry he said " I called you babe twice and all you could say w
- Depression...
Sorry to bring such a negative topic in here but how do Sag deal with depression? Have any of you ever suffered from it?
Sag's are known for their positive attitude, they're known for never really getting too bummed out about anything but obviously depr
- Runaway Leo's? Why?
I know that capricorn and scorpio are good at dissapearing but why leos? Is it a pride thing?
I attract a lot of them and i notice quite often they dissapear if something is bothering them. I find that a lot of them rather dissapear than actually tell yo
- chelsea handler
she's pisces sun and had her astrology done by Megan fox. lol
she's got a crazy energy about her and she's kind of wild but controlled.
I like the episode where she meets Norman Reedus on rode on his Motorcycle.
Megan Fox couldn't believe she w
- Happy Canada day!
For everyone who lives in Canada. Celebrate it to the max. Have fun, blow off a few fireworks, drink a bit, and just have fun.
- Virgo woman are famous for being very picky what exactly are you searching for?
Hi Virgals,
You have a repitition for being very picky and come off as cold and prudish until Mr. Right made the cut
unlike many others. What sets him apart from the rest for you? What do you want from a man?
Does he have to be your soulmate (s
- Cancer Man Behavior
I've been seeing a Cancer man for about a month now. We've spent a good deal of time together, despite having totally opposite work schedules. I've met some of his best friends. The last time I saw him, we cuddled all night and he told me twice that "this
- Virgo-Cancer: Friends? Lovers? Both? Neither?
It's very rare that I see a Virgo and Cancer in a love relationship... I've had plenty of Virgos as friends but never in the romantic sense. Until... I became very close friends with a Virgo man. Initially, we couldn't view eachother as lovers, not even a
- Sag and careers
Hello its me again,
I am very curious to know what careers you have chosen or want to choose if you are a Sag? Right now I am trying to be a teacher but it seems so hard to pass the exam. Use to everything coming to me so easy.
- What is The Difference?
Generally, what are the differences between a Capricorn who sees you only as a female friend vs him seeing you as someone he can potentially be with? We met a year and a half ago and spent some time getting to know each other before it turned into a long-
- Chart
Can somebody help me to analyze this? Everyone is welcome
Here s link
- What does this quote mean?
" When a relationship ordained by God you don't have to force it to work "
- Rough Sex
I've only been with, Biblically speaking, 2 Cancers. One was a hook up, don't judge, I didn't know it was just that, and the other I'm currently seeing.
Both guys were/are VERY rough. 1st guy threw me around, held me down by my neck, etc. Current guy
- cap sun Venus aqua
OK I keep hearing bad things in terms of love and dating with the cap suns Venus aquas. I just met one and I am kinds starting yo like him. We had sex and afterwards he compliments me and tells me he hopes I wasn't bored. Im not sure what he wants from me
- Error: email notifications for Likes sending me to home page, not post
On site notifications for likes are working fine, just not email ones for me.
- Four squares?
Hi. I have a full square (as in, an actual square) in my astrological chart and I'm wondering if it means anything. I can't find anything about it through googling aspects, aside from it being a set of T squares. Can someone please help me interpret this?
- Do gems get cold/distant when falling in love....
Before you SCOFF and bite my head off, I was told this by a gem on here who I very much believe, that I'm being "tested" to see if I can handle the twin behavior. Just curious what the hive mind thought about this..my gem was super into me...told me he
- I ate Shrimp Scampi with pasta today
It was delicious!
Post your past/recent/current ayyyylmao moment here, I know you've been naughty, not nice.
Especially with 4th of July coming.
Also, alcohol.
- Mars Sq Venus?
Does anyone else have this sq in their chart? How do you fair?
I wanted to know a little more about this aspect in regards to love prospects. I did a chart interpretation a while back, and I wanted to know what my chart says in regards to my romantic q