March 1, 2016
March 1, 2016 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 1
Topics Created On March 1, 2016
- Please!!! Really???
HeyHey! This Virguy is so subliminal that i had to just give him a taste of his own medicine. I can call him and text him, he won't respond for days on end. Even if he's the one that initiates a text and i respond he will take hours to reply. But. If h
- Does anyone ever find themselves personifying their sign?
Something I've noticed I do when I'm extra excited about something and no one's looking - I do little hop-leaps off of ledges and stairs, like a baby ram or pygmy goat.
- Are Aquarius Men Faithful or Cheaters?
I can't tell, I've seen both...
- In your experience/opinion, which sign
Is most likely to settle and let "the one" get away?
- Will I scare him away?
I want to tell my virgo boyfriend that I want to experience everything I haven't yet with him, will that scare him away
- Strange?Very!
So so so,all this while I've been thinking he was an Aquarius.Turns out,he's a Leo :P ROFL :P His actual date of birth is 4th August,1992.It's strange how he had similarities with Aquarians.His personal planets are Sun,Mercury,Venus Leo, Moon Libra,Mars
- A salutation gift for loving mamma
There is simply no way we can ever really thank mother for all she has done for us. She is the one who will be awake all night when we are sick. Praying to God to make us well and be ever ready to bear the pain that we may be experiencing. She is the one
- Cancer married another
I dated a cancer for five years and he married someone else....he said at times he knows what he wants but others he doesnt. I told him you already made your choice. He left and said he needed time to sort things out...uhm....didn't he get married....sort
- Pet peeves when going out to eat?
What are they?
- Signs of numerology in our major religions
When it comes to religion criticism we are skeptical, of course, there are things most of us have chosen to believe and that's all. This is a big subject indeed and is still under development as additional facts will be discovered. I will be presenting it
- Taurus Girl I was dating totally cut all contact with me :(
Ok, so im a Virgo. Usually very closed off until i meet someone who I believe i could make happy and could make me happy. With this Taurus girl i felt that. we chatted for a week via text before we even met, the more we talked the more we got on, and she
- Are you a single pisces man?
If you want to experience romance as seen in the movies at it's finest then a pisces is the man for you. I dated a pisces for two months and it was definitely a challenge me being a practical sign. Too bad I didn't understand him as well back then and the
- Mars in Taurus
How would you lovely people describe yourselves? What can you say about your motivation to do things? Do you consider yourselves stubborn? What about your sex drive? Just curious :)
- Virgo reappears
Me and my Virgo guy had a four month fling. He is the opposite of me he's reserved, organized, quiet, and critical that annoyed and intrigued me at the sane time. He's a player i found out around campus I heard other girls talk about how he lead them on a
- Mars in Men
what type of element Mars are you attracted to, currently or in the past. What's your dating history? for example, are you attracted to Air Mars in men? why and why not. with air signs natally in their mars planet will have a large storage of menta
- capricorn and virgo compatibility?
Hey guys,i just want to know how is a capricorn(woman) and a virgo (men) relationship? good or bad?
- How did you manage to move on from the relationship that didn't satisfy you?
Were you happy at the end?
- Virgo Man Aries Woman
He is the opposite of me he's reserved, organized, quiet, and critical that annoyed and intrigued me at the same time. I'm impulsive , free spirit , what you see is what you get kind of girl I brought happiness into his life and he took risks instead of h
- Cancer Men - What do you find attractive in a female
So, I'm trying to figure out what cancer men find attractive in a partner. Looks, height, skinny, curvy, smart, sweet, opinionated, etc Give me the sweet juicy info!!!
- Relationship 15
As in 15lbs. I'm gaining weight and it's easy to see why as our main activities together are eating, drinking, and fucking. How have you combated weight gain when your in relationships? Or do you just say fuck it and get nice and comfortable...
- I noticed that...
some Gem celebrities like Kat Dennings are always dating water signs. She dated three Pisces, and three Scorpio men. Coincidence - not. Probably she has some water placements, but, would there be a connection with recommended signs in those situations, or
- Virgo woman & taurus man.. Helppppp!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a Virgo lady and younger then my Taurus We met on a dating site in August last year. We slept together on our second date (seemed we had this magnetic connection) everything was going good and then he said he was distancing himself because we were in
- Any experience with a Libra veteran people?? I need a help
I met him online and we became close friends. After some time he started getting warmer and told me he was into me. Everything was fine for weeks, we were talking lot but he couldn't open up to me. I wasn't pushy or anything, I knew he had war issues and
- behold im coming
this is the return of who u may see behold i am coming
- Help with dealing with a Libra Mercury
Okay here is my situation: I'm struggling to appreciate the person's "balancing" reflex when it comes to situation where encouragement/celebration happens. I've noticed more then once where they throw in something to tone down the excitement/sense of acc