February 1, 2018
February 1, 2018 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 1
Topics Created On February 1, 2018
- Weird behavior...leo man
So I talked to this leo guy for a couple months now. We both wanted something casual and made plans to hang out but he cancelled due to family stuff. I understood, he rescheduled only to cancel again on me. We have never hung out in person and its been a
- Happy Birthday Orgasme!
Happiest Birthday @Orgasme
- Failed @ being a Scorpio. Help me read this Taurus?
Ill keep it short. We were dating, not in a relationship, but saw one another almost everyday over the course of 4 months. It was my choice, a lot of personal hardship not wanting to complicate mine or anyone elses life by being emotionally unavailable, b
- 100 things to text to man
To make him cum into his pants
Anything you found new?
And have you heard about thoughtcatalog.com before?
I found it on Dxp-after-dark
Thanks @hydoran❤️
- Looking to build a rig to mine dxpnet currency
Help me build a rig!
I figure 7th gen intel with 10-15 nvidia 1080 ti cards would be worth it. How much ddr4 ram would I need?
What software to configure and manage it and how do I have it self fix or autorun?
- What I should expect more from one pisces guy?
Something wrong is going on with my pisces (1st decan) boss.
After he spent three years making jokes about any possible relationship between us, the forth last year he decided to switch his tactics by intimidating me and isolating me at work. I was just
- Post your favourite Aries People
I have a love hate relationship, with Aries People, they are bold but also very funny, and then aggressive, but always with a smile. I constanlty bump heads with but also get along with them (I am a taurus)
I have an aries gf, and a lot
- Leo man ignoring.
It’s been 2 days my boyfriend stopped talking to me. We didn’t have a fight or anything. I know something’s been bothering him and I asked him about it too. Day before yesterday, we spent the day together and he was very mean to me. I could tell he’s sayi
- Thank to @hydotah and porn...
Dxp after dark...I stole it from there:
- Libra23 Virgo36
Well...my daughter Libra23 courted by Virgo36 from work and he sent her text that she can sleep over anytime.
She was shocked and didn’t answered.
Monday after he asked her to go in a date. They go after work. She doesn’t even had to dress up. She cam