December 1, 2018
December 1, 2018 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 1
Topics Created On December 1, 2018
- What kind of Cat Walk would each of the signs do or how?
What would the Cat walk look like for each of the signs?
- Jordan Peterson
This guy's got the patience of a fucking saint. How does he not lose his hope in humanity given the stupidity he constantly surrounds himself with. I've never seen him truly lose his temper once. Is he a cyborg? One day I hope to achieve his level of exce
- Do you think it’s really hard being a short man?
I feel really bad for the little guys get out there. I know lots of women who just wont date them. Other men that won’t respect them. Like 5’5 guys. Do you think it impacts them long term? I feel they think they always need to prove something. height you
- Winning Da man...women please
Have you ever felt that this man is too nice for no apparent reason and he is handsome AF and he likes you a lot and he doesn’t care about you looks because he is sticking up your ass and you don’t understand why because you are fine but he is bit younger
- Aquarius Chart question
Can someone transcribe this for me, lol? My boyfriend chart:
The ephemeris positions for January 24, 1980 are:
Sidereal time: Sidereal time: 08:09:56 UTC
Ephemeris sun Sun was in Aquarius at 03° 09'.
Ephemeris moon Moon in Aries at 25° 36'.
- Does he like me-please help!!
To the Taurus community out there- your input/insight will put me out of my misery!
Me- Libra
Him- Taurus
We work together but in different teams. Recently, he's been chatting me up (I think).
Occasion 1- random conversation about coffee mugs. He said my
- Venting Rambling post
So I have (should be had but I’m horrible at letting shit go) a crush on this bartender and I see him about once a week when I do karaoke. He’s always kind to me and greets me but we haven’t talked much. Combination of my nerves and him being at work. Som
- What does my chart say about me?
Pretty new to astrology and signs in general don’t really know too much but it seems I have a lot of people in my life pretty adamant about it and I wanted to know what a small piece of my birth chart says about me.
I’m a Taurus sun, Capricorn moon, Capri
- What’s worse? Being jobless or being single?
Choose one! And no picking both is not an option.
- Telepathy vs inner thoughts
They say if someone (you know personally) pops up in your mind accidentally it means you have a connection with them. (And it means you are on each other's mind). Now, what if you can see this person's eye and feel like as if he is watching you at that mo
- Cancer man withdrawal?
I am an Aries woman (Pisces/Aries cusp). I started seeing a Cancer man a few months ago. We live in different cities and have been on 2 dates so far, both I went to go see him. I had told him about my ex on this date and he told me hes never been in a ser