October 1, 2018
October 1, 2018 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 1
Topics Created On October 1, 2018
- Phone Sex business
Inspired by Sierra I am quitting my job and going into phone sex business!!!
I need an advice though...how much per minute is affordable for most losers?
I also want suggestions on what turns men on like ‘baby...I can feel you are biiiiig...and you des
- Is Sun square Pluto synastry a bad aspect?
What are some of your experiences with this aspect? Is it possible to maintain a long term relationship with sun square pluto in synastry
- Stellium
I have two:
Scorpio is dominate
Libra is secondary
What do I do with this information?
Trying to gather ideas from google but the meds are making my head fuzzy.
- Taurus and Pisces what do you all think?
I've been reading a lot on compatible signs and what came up a lot was Taurus and Pisces and how they have great compatibility. To me that's strange because Taurus is so set in their ways, hates unpredictability, and likes problem solve. While Pisces cons
- Ask a Capricorn male
Counterpart to the thread "Ask a Capricorn female"
Ask us everything
- Leo Mooners...
The sociopathic moon, the annoying moon, childish moon, and attention seeking moon...you get it! What'd I leave out??
What's gonna make you bachelor and bachelorette's finally settle down?
- Curious about certain aspects of my chart....
I’m trying to see if my chart actually does match my personality to a T.
I’m curious about the correlation between my moon-mars and moon-Saturn.
Basically I’ve got Taurus - Gemini cusp.
Moon is Gemini trine Aquarius Mars and Gemini Moon Opposite Cap
- crossroads
i'm sitting here,
stuck between
two worlds, you and him
you and her, me and him,
me and you, her and i
we're all the same into one.
Please, i cry here, in the
middle of the night
where you lay, where i lay
he is somewhere out there
like you are here, a
- Aqua man Cancer moon
Anyone have any experience with an Aquarius male who has a cancer moon? What are they like?
- Taurus Men: Signs They Love You
So my previous thread reached 105 replies and I found it so entertaining. Sometimes we all need a little bit rest from our personal issues and discuss in general about a sign & our experience on it, that'd be so awesome ya know :))
Anyway, let's skip
- Aquarius with cancer moon
Does anyone here know a male with these placements?
Aqua sun
Cancer moon
Cap Venus
What would he be like?
- Whats does North Node Opposite Venus transit mean?
Do anyone know what this transit means. I have it for 4 months
- Pretty sure my gem dude is ending things.
He's been off lately and I know works been hard, this whole ldr has been hard. He hasn't been calling at all like normal or hardly texting so I finally asked what's up.
Pretty much stated things at work suck it's affecting his mood.. something happened