July 1, 2018
July 1, 2018 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 1
Topics Created On July 1, 2018
- Do I have a chance with sag girl
Been following these boards for a while.
Yall wild in here. 😂🤣
I want to get some opinions on this pairing. I like this sag girl and I knew she was a sag immediately. Thick!
My stuff
Sun Gemini
Moon Virgo
Mercury Gemini
Mars virgo
Venus Taurus
Her s
- Doomed
I saw this psychic at the beginning of 2017. She told me that I would meet my soulmate/future husband in the middle of 2018. He would be a Cancer that loves to travel, has an accent, and is tall with light eyes. I think I found him, but he insists that he
- What do you positively appreciate of the Gemini?
I would say the one thing about Gemini is they were always the truest people to have as friends. I never felt like I had to chase. I felt like we were equals that never had to be afraid to share anything or force each other if we were not ready yet. They
- wellness hoe
Im what the "kids" call a wellness hoe ... XD
Im currently experimenting with different types of herbs, has anyone experimented with these herbs or ...any herbs ...what were the effects...was it just a waste of time ...does it work ...what are the healt
- Confused leo woman
I'm a leo with libra rising. It's a messed up and confusing situation, my libra friend and had a weird relationship, we started off as friends then ended up dating. The relationship didn't last long due to him breaking it off. We where going through str
- So many different people can't be wrong
99% of DXP Scorps really do suck ass. Because you're clones of each other, gender irrelevant.
- How to give a hint that I'm bisexual?
Any ideas on how to give some subtle hints or discreetly bring up the fact that I'm bisexual when in a conversation? Or any hints that gay people pick up but non gay people ignore? Thanks!
- So, Taureans Are Stupid?
Has anyone else heard that? I think it's ridiculous. But, my opinion is probably biased. 😂
- Have you ever felt 100% sure you'll be with a specific person at some point in the future
but now it's just not the right time?
- Advise on a potential relationship with a Cancer man
I'm a newbie here so I apologise if I posted this thread in the wrong place.
I recently met a Cancer man on a dating website and we've been texting close to two weeks before our texts became sexual. Soon after, we were sexting and eventually had sex. Th
- Gemini men with Mars and Mercury in Cancer
How are they?
- Favorite places to be kissed
and state your sun moon venus and mars!
- Oops
Remember a couple months ago when I said I was finna befriend my boyfriends Gemini coworker? Well I guess I was pretty drunk when I read her DL to figure out her birthday. Turns out she’s actually a cancer O.o
- Which are the best gifts for the signs?
- My new libra boyfriend
Everything is okay, he's very pushy, always want to meet me. Tomorrow we have to meet. 2 days he repeats " don't forget, we have to meet monday! ", but today I told him something about tomorrow and he said " I forgot it's tomorrow".... What the fuck does
- Which Sextile is better for each sign (compatibility)?
My opinions, but most are close and some I might be off on...
- For Libra: Sagittarius > Leo (From personal exp...Leos can be too much, Sag and Libra balance each other out)
- For Scorpio: Capricorn > Virgo (I've seen both, but I think Cap is a lit
- I [Male Taurus] Told My Ex To Move On. I Keep Looking At Her [Leo] Instagram
I loved my ex [Leo woman] very much and wanted to marry her. Stuff happened and we broke up. Well she broke up with me. She came back 6 months later. I was really torn. We discussed things for almost 2 months and in one of our discussions about us she sai
- Taurus is getting philosphical? Is it good
I know this Taurus guy a year now, it all started when his friend(an other taurus) who was very good looking got rejected by me. Nothing happen between us as I was clear I had no interested in him. However his friend....
It's been months now that wheneve
- Met A Cusp
Yay or nay?
- How to give hints to a taurus without being too obvious
The title says it all, i wanna hear your ideas :)
- I told Taurus I want him.
This Taurus guy and I have been friends for 2yrs or so on FB. Lately, we started flirting heavily but he’s still not taken the initiative to ask me (he did slide in my DM asking for my number).
Today, I text him that I want him and when he was gonna let
- Your opinion on this synastry chart!!
I met someone with the same birthday except a diff year as me. We have SO much in common. I just want your opinion on this chart because I never met someone with the same bday as me.
Everything I read seemed like it would work but I don't know if I look
- Is it true that Scorpios don't like receiving compliments?
A Scorpio man complimented me on my looks so I did the same thing and gave him a compliment on his looks too.
But I completely forgot that Scorpios don't like compliments because they have trust issues. Is this true?
Will he hate me now? It's not like I j